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pinto megajolt
david4 - 7/3/09 at 02:08 PM

Hi All
I have a pinto 2.0L with Dellorto,s 45,s and fast road camshaft i was thinking of adding a megajolt type system would i gain anything buy doing this or would you keep it as it is....?

blakep82 - 7/3/09 at 02:09 PM

it would give you better control of ignition advance than you have with a dizzy. i'd do it

smac - 8/3/09 at 09:05 AM

I have exactly the same setup. Certainly runs better than on the dissy.

david4 - 8/3/09 at 11:48 AM

that,s made my mind up i will be taking the next steps and will have a go

dhutch - 9/3/09 at 10:42 AM

I thought i would post here rather then start another megajolt thread!

I currently have a CVH running with distrubutor and twin dellorto 40's and am considering a megajolt.

Reasons for consdiering it is partly because the distrbutor seams worn (play in shaft, rotor hiting cap at low revs, etc) and becuase lots of people have sung the prases of going distrbutorless. Which also ties in with the fact i would like to get the carbs/ignition set up correctly (on a roling road?) by someone. (which will prberbly cost about as much as the megajolt, or more, as is a new/recon dissy, and the HT leads are shot anyway too)

So for firstly, confirmation that this is a sensable thing to do would be good. Particularly as money is tight ish.
- Cheaper option is clearly to try and find a bosch cvh dissy in a scrap yard, and just forget all about it.