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Final Checklist Help
benlg924 - 17/3/09 at 11:38 AM

Hi All

almost there with my bike carb conversion on my 924 and want to get it booked into the garage for rolling road and final set up at end of month.

So far i got:

Carbs (cbr900)
Fuel Pump (cbr900)
maifold made
silcone joiners + Jubilie clips
air box and element (cbr900)

so from what i can gather i still need to get:

Accelerator cable (2-3m?)
Choke Cable and Pull (locking or not?)
Rubber fuel pump mounts
17mm transaxle plugs to fill injector holes in head

am i missing anything off this list so i can make sure i am ready for the end of the month.

all help would be great



Mr Whippy - 17/3/09 at 11:47 AM


Paul TigerB6 - 17/3/09 at 11:47 AM

Just doing similar myself. I'd say dont worry about the choke cable. I found a bicycle brake cable fitted perfectly to the accelerator linkage on the GSXR600 carbs i am fitting myself so worth looking for a rear brake cable (or seperate inner / outer). Do you have the original pump mounting rubber at all? I am using a Yamaha Fazer one and made a simple bracket for it - will go take a pic as i am just about to spray it black

benlg924 - 17/3/09 at 11:51 AM

will the choke not help with cold starting? itr is going to be my daily so will need it to start in winter ect.

the accelerator cable i found has the solderless nipple for full adjusting and fitting so could be a winner.

not sure on fuel pump it is in the box in the garage still although the ruber mounts only a few poundss with earth strap.

is there anythin else i need to get?

Paul TigerB6 - 17/3/09 at 12:12 PM

Here's the Fazer pump anyway - just a live and earth to connect up. Most pumps are very similar. We chopped off the rubber mounting where the cacky old filter was to the right hand side but have a seperate one between fuel tank and pump.

The choke may help in the winter but may save you some time before rolling road by leaving it till afterwards

benlg924 - 17/3/09 at 12:23 PM

found an image on another forum i posted, here is the pump

also there are two wires coming from the pump one green one blue any ideas which is which? or best place to wire them to?



benlg924 - 18/3/09 at 07:32 PM

just ordered

choke cable
accelerator cable
fuel pump mounts

how much fuel pipe is needed and what sort of size is best to buy?

