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Dellorto Fuel Pump
The Doc - 21/7/09 at 08:28 AM

Had a couple of years great running out the car and have resisted putting on my nice shiny Dellortos. Now I'm more used to the car I'd like the extra power.

What do I really need by way of a fuel pump? (1600 XFlow)

Will the existing pump deliver enough fuel?

If not which is the cheapest option for an electric pump?

Do I really need a regulator or is there a pump which is right for the job without?

Twin 40s

Thanks Folks


whitestu - 21/7/09 at 08:50 AM

Would a bike electric pump work with these?

They are cheap and reliable so could be worth a go.

Also they regulate themselves.


[Edited on 21/7/09 by whitestu]

jpindy3 - 21/7/09 at 10:15 AM

hi mate just get a facet solid state pump,
thay are about 30quid,rally disigen do one thats 19quid