quick answer needed, what's the firing order for a fiat 8v twin cam?
surely 1 - 3 - 4 - 2 ???
having trouble!
just done quick serch and they say 1342
ah, well, good news it runs now!!!
I had it right, it had just got to that ridiculous stage where you start to wonder if you have forgotten everything about engines!!!!
Firing order was right, but somehow when timing marks are all aligned and no.1 is confirmed at tdc, the rotor arm is pointing at no.
Do fiat twincam dizzys have two positions on the end of the cam, 180deg apart or something????
Never worked on one before, but have lost some more hair this afternoon.
Runs now though, and my god its responsive!!!!!!
Turn it one more revotulion and the rotor will point at No1 ?
Lots of info on www.guy-croft.com
Cheers, Pewe
yea but then no. 1 is tdc on intake not firing
Originally posted by NS Dev
yea but then no. 1 is tdc on intake not firing
I can only summise that either the italians put their timing marks on intake not firing, or, more likely, the connection between the dizzy shaft and cam is a slot, and you can out it on 180 out, and a previous owner has done this, and because I never check the lead positions when I stripped it out of the car, assuming them to be , it then was 180 out when put back together on the timing marks!
Fiat Lampredi engines are all timed on number 4 cylinder.
Another thing to watch out for is the "side entry" distributor caps are not connected internally the way they may appear from looking at
them! That's been the cause of much grief on Fiats.
Cheers R
if you pm me your email address i have a very very good book for the fiat twin cam. i have it in pdf so can email it over.