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Type 9 to 1600 CVH
Chris_R - 10/4/04 at 07:17 PM

I have a 1600 cvh from an Escort and would like to mate it with a type 9 box. Does anyone have any infromation relating to the flywheel, starter motor and clutch combination? Specifically from which model Ford the three should be taken.

britishtrident - 11/4/04 at 06:44 AM

Flywheels and clutches 3 different solutions

(1) Get existing flywheel redrilled for Sierra clutch --- only possible on later flywheels.

(2) Fit a Sierra 1.8 CVH Flywheel and clutch (

(3) Fit an Escort/Fiesta 1.3/1.4 CVH flywheel and 7.5 inch clutch cover and release bearing from Sierra 4 speed with removeable bell housing and a Hillman Avenger clutch disc

Option 2 is the simplest but option 3 gives a lower roatating mass.

You will also need a spigot bearing from a Sierra CVH part number Ford finish code 1596468.

Starter motor is standard Sierra 1.8, you will also need the shim plate that fits between the engine and gearbox from a cvh sierra.

The Sump and oil pick up needs modified, and the alternator will need moved..

For a top raddiator hose try one from a Rover 214/414

Chris_R - 11/4/04 at 06:49 PM

Good stuff. Just so happens that I've got an 1800cvh too so I think option 2's gonna be the boy. Thanks.