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valve clearances zxr400
Miks15 - 5/2/10 at 07:15 PM

When i was home over the christmas period, i replaced the cams in my zxr400, knowing the clearances had to be done, but without enough time to do it.

So now im back for the weekend and went out to look at them. I dont have precise enough feeler gauges, mine were only in 0.05mm steps. But i thought id check anyway to make sure they were in the right ballpark. But when i checked they were all out by around .5mm!!

This surely cant be right? have i done something wrong? The cams were replaced dues to excessive wear, but im thinking now mabye the rocker arms were also alot worse than i thought and they have worn down alot?

Can i get shims this big? All the ones i have seen are 3mm +or- about .2 but ill need some around 3.5/3.6ish.


Alex. - 8/2/10 at 08:45 AM


Are you a member of the 400 Greybike forum? Have a wander over, they are a friendly bunch.

I'm sure they would have the answer to your question, along with any other info or advice you could possibly need!
