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It Started!!!!
chris-p-duck - 9/4/10 at 01:12 PM

Hi all,

Have got to tell someone ..................... after (too) many years of work I have finally got the car to a position where the engine starts!! Can run it long as there is no coolant at the mo but that hasn't stopped a broad grin being fixed on my face ever since. So thanks to anyone who has helped me to date and a big thanks to Greg without whos advice it would still be a lump of scrap iron.




carpmart - 9/4/10 at 01:17 PM

You should know better!!!!!!!

Where is the video???

speedyxjs - 9/4/10 at 01:34 PM

Nice one, i assume you took the madatory vid?

chris-p-duck - 9/4/10 at 05:52 PM

I have only got a really short shonky bit of video footage on my phone but will attempt to register with youtube later and get it uploaded..........

Watch this space.............


chris-p-duck - 9/4/10 at 06:57 PM

Not sure how to put clicky linky things in but this is the link for the video. Not the smoothest running (3 cylinders???)


gregs - 9/4/10 at 07:29 PM

nice one chap

speedyxjs - 9/4/10 at 07:34 PM

Nice one!