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Fireblade Engine Installation
IainL - 12/6/10 at 09:05 AM

Has anyone got any photos of a Fireblade engine installed in an Aries chassis/cradle, they could point me towards?


mark chandler - 12/6/10 at 09:22 AM

Mine is home brew so if you are making your own mounts then have a look in my archive for ideas.

If you are purchasing a complete exhaust system then I would suggest you get this first then mount then engine as this will dictate the position.

Regards Mark

Scott W - 12/6/10 at 03:54 PM

I have some shots but they might not be what you are looking for. Let me know what you require in terms of shots and if I don't have them I can quickly take some more as the car is on axle stands currently.

Thurbs - 12/6/10 at 04:16 PM

Have a look at my blog a few pics of engine install on there.
The address is :-
p.s all aries parts used.