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A stupid clutch related question
maskell01 - 23/7/10 at 09:36 PM

Been recomended to change the clutch on my 4sp rocket box from a cable to a hydraulic clutch from burton power!
this will cost in the region of £200!

what are the plus points to a hydraulic as apposed to a cable?

many people done this?
is it worth the extra or is the money better spent on something else?


tomgregory2000 - 23/7/10 at 09:40 PM

does your clutch work?
Spent the money on something else such as beer

Dusty - 23/7/10 at 09:48 PM

If it aint broke don't fix it!
Why has this been recommended? Is there a problem?

[Edited on 23/7/10 by Dusty]

mookaloid - 23/7/10 at 09:49 PM

give me £100 and I'll tell you that you don't need to do it and you will then be £100 better off than you would have been if you had done it and think of the amount of work you have saved

maskell01 - 23/7/10 at 09:53 PM

the existing cable clutch works but the bloke muttered something about the cable being a complete bitch to "loose" around the engine and exhaust(drivers side)

also said about it being a firmer better peddle and better for the clutch plate?

skodaman - 23/7/10 at 10:30 PM

Stick with cable. Hydraulic is lighter pedal feel but cable has a more predictable biting point and is much cheaper and easier to replace.
Mind you I'd have rod operated drums on the locost if it could pass IVA with em, and have every intention of having a rod operated clutch.

perksy - 24/7/10 at 07:21 AM

"If it ain't broke, Don't fix it"

If the cable arrangement works ok there's no real need to change to Hydraulic

Have Hydraulic on mine and ok its nice to drive with etc
BUT it isn't a cheap mod by the time you've paid for the cylinder, hoses etc

Also if the cable breaks its no big deal but if the seal/s fail on an internal cylinder you'll be looking at a bit more work

[Edited on 24/7/10 by perksy]

jollygreengiant - 24/7/10 at 09:10 AM

I built my Luego Viento Pinto with an Hydraulic Clutch so that I could get the Gear box back as far as possible and so that I would not have a cable trailing everywhere.
The system I used was from Burton Power
page linky

But it seems that Rally design also do the same system and are possibly cheaper at the mo
Linky to clutch page

Also I put up a post in 2007 about how this went at the time but as I can nolonger edit it to bring the front page up to current state I have today copied & pasted it edited it and reposted.

hope this helps.

[Edited on 24/7/10 by jollygreengiant]