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wheel bearing
femster87 - 19/8/10 at 05:30 PM

how do you get this annoying bearing out of the sierra upright. been at it for like 2 days now

ruudbeckers - 19/8/10 at 05:35 PM

I did it with a hammer and a chisel. You can also take a mig welder and put some welds on the bearing, that will make them looser.

cd.thomson - 19/8/10 at 06:02 PM

hit it with a drift at 12/3/6/9 o clock positions repeatedly and eventually it comes down. Getting it moving is the hardest bit.

Careful you're not hitting the lip thats part of the upright though.

hillbillyracer - 19/8/10 at 06:55 PM

Yeah, weld it.
Knock the inner races & balls out & clean the grease off, weld around the inside of the outer race, 2 or 3 runs all the way round is plenty.
Just make sure the welder is'nt set so high it burns right through & gets hold of the upright & that you dont get right up to the edge & weld the race to the upright at the edge.
As the weld cools it contracts & pulls the race in too, mabye only a few thou but it will almost drop out or push out with your fingers once cold.

clairetoo - 19/8/10 at 07:19 PM

/ wot he said
(allso a good way to remove valve seats from ally heads)