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Zetec to Type 9
nnrouty - 26/8/10 at 11:03 AM


Can anyone tell me what i need in order to connect a type 9 to a zetec?

r1_pete - 26/8/10 at 11:15 AM

Some M10 x 1.5 bolts


1. A spigot bearing for the end of the crankshaft, FWD orientation the engine doesn't have one, Common or Garden Pinto bearing works.

2. Clutch, when I did mine I re drilled the flywheel to take the Sierra Clutch, but, you can use the zetec clutch with an extended thrust bearing - Westfield part, or i believe one of the capri bearings does the job.

3. Starter motor, I used a XS1221 motor from QX Components, is is slim, but still needs sump modification, look in my archive for both silver and blacktop sumps modified, I had a silvertop sump on the blacktop in the end.

andy188 - 26/8/10 at 11:31 AM

zetec clutch assy or 1800 cvh assy with 1800 cvh front pulley, (to fire ecu etc.) 1800cvh starter, or pinto starter with spacers, allso believe you can use dohc starter.

Bumble - 26/8/10 at 01:20 PM

I have Zetec (Silvertop) and Type 9 connected. I used the following:
Clutch = Mondeo 3pc CTK1014
Thrust Bearing = CTT133
Starter Motor = LRS 707
Alt = Denso 40 Amp (Daihatsu Charade)
Mod'd Dust plate
and as ^^ said some bolts.

macc man - 26/8/10 at 06:15 PM

As above but you will probably need to modify your sump to give extra ground clearance. Will depend on what it is to go in.