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Which starter motor?
jono2020 - 22/9/10 at 12:31 PM

I think my starter motor is dying as it makes wierd noises and takes a while to start sometimes. Which one do I need for my 2.0 zetec DOHC? Also are they fairly easy to replace??

kipper - 22/9/10 at 02:29 PM

Check the earth strap to the engine, I have just had the same thing and bought a new starter which did the same .
now the suplyer wont take it back as it has been fitted.GRRRR
Fitted a new earth strap after advise from a mate and bingo ,off it went.

jono2020 - 22/9/10 at 02:54 PM

Ok cheers for that. I'll go have a look. What should I be looking out for?

jono2020 - 22/9/10 at 03:42 PM

Just found the earth strap and it was snapped!! Ur a life saver. Was just about to order a new starter motor.