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Throttle cables
maskell01 - 4/10/10 at 09:02 PM

I will be running my pinto oon twin dcoe 40's but need to do 2 things:-
1)make up the throttle cables
has anybody done this....what did you use?

2)fix the 2 cables to the accellerator pedal
how have people done this?

many thanks ............again


austin man - 4/10/10 at 09:51 PM

I used bike cables with no problems, attached them to the pedal with a bolt drilled through and clamped with bols and washers no problems in 6k of hard driving

britishtrident - 5/10/10 at 08:43 AM

Only one throttle cable required ----- 2 will only cause problems.

Make sure you have a stop on the pedal to ensure the throttlle can only be opened to about 98% of carb spindle movement, any more will cause damaged carbs and/or broken throttle cables.