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Bike carb conversion progress
mick10 - 21/12/10 at 10:34 PM

Just thought id post my progress on the carb conversion for whoever is interested.

I bought some carbs of ebay off a CBR 1000for a bargain price i think of £30. they came with the bike pump which i have now fitted instead of the facet pump previously installed. They looked a bit tatty at first and were held together with steel bracketing which made them sit slightly in a an arc shape.

Carbs fresh from ebayer
Carbs fresh from ebayer

First thing to do was to strip all the pipe work and figure out a way to position the carbs so they were all parallel. The bracket
on the butterfly side of the carbs just needed straightening but the one on the other needed lengthening to allow the carbs to lie straight. I for this i just welded in some shaped 3mm steel and after a bit of fettling and fiddling it went on and the carbs sat correct.[/img]

I had released the throttle linkage on the carb without the cable attachment point to allow the butterfly's to seat properly and so i could weigh up were to cut, lengthen and alter the angle of this linkage so they all operated smoothly and still seated in the venturi correct. i MIG welded the new pieces together to avoid to much heat distortion and travel to the brass bushes on the end and luckily seemed to have got away with it. Sorry about the pic its not very accurate showing how they sit, just needs a lick of silver paint to tidy it up.[/img]

mick10 - 21/12/10 at 10:37 PM

some of the epics havent come on which will be my inability al try and put them up in separate posts.[/img]

mick10 - 21/12/10 at 10:41 PM

Cant seem to figure this pic stuff out so you willl have to just look at my archives for now sorry.

I got a x-flow blank manifold plate of ebay and some fluoro lines hose and will hopefully have the manifold something like before xmas ready to bolt on and see if the thing finally lives lol[/img]

blakep82 - 21/12/10 at 10:42 PM

you forgot the [img] at the start of each post. edit the first one, and put them in and that'll sort it

dlatch - 21/12/10 at 10:42 PM

your missing the first image tag from the links [ img ] without the spaces

carbs with fluoro hose on
carbs with fluoro hose on

mick10 - 21/12/10 at 10:53 PM

cheers guys al try again lol if this dont work al have to do a night school course for dummies

stripping off the tat
stripping off the tat

carb support brackets
carb support brackets

Modified linkage
Modified linkage

mick10 - 21/12/10 at 10:54 PM

Whoo hooo lol there a bit messed up in the order but thanks again

mick10 - 1/2/11 at 11:09 PM

Quick post of progress on the bike carb conversion, got the manifold back form powder coaters last week and finally managed to get some time to mount it on the engine. The angle of the float chambers worried me a little but i seem to have struck lucky and got it pretty accurate by guesstimation lol. Just going to see if i can figure out some throttle cable set up with a old-new mini accelerator cable then connect the fuel pipes and see if it fires - hopefully.

Carbs fitted
Carbs fitted

float chamber angle
float chamber angle

FASTdan - 2/2/11 at 07:50 AM

Looking good nice flange....I trust it is one of mine?! lol.

ickle - 25/2/11 at 10:33 PM

how you getting on with these ??
did you drill the main jets ?

regards stuart