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Oil out of breather
ady8077 - 12/7/04 at 05:56 PM

Hi All

My pinto chucks a fair bit of oil out of the rocker breather, i modded the rocker cover so it vents from the rear, should i have fitted a baffle over the outlet?

Also is it normal to feel pulses of gas coming out of said breather? Compression seems ok

Thanks Adrian

Jon Ison - 12/7/04 at 08:29 PM

theres that much oil flying around under there some is bound to find its way out without some sort of baffle, you normaly can feel some pulses but not strong ones, its when it starts blowing smoke you need to worry.............

Hornet - 13/7/04 at 09:18 AM

if its severe.. then u got back pressure... i.e engine on last legs..

ady8077 - 13/7/04 at 11:14 AM

Hi Guys

Its not severe, but you can feel it on the back of your hand, I think I've put the breather in the wrong place
