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any engine experts? fault finding? yet more expensive woes!
daniel mason - 28/3/12 at 08:07 PM

right, got my car back the other week after struggling to get emissions sorted at rolling road/engine tuners and took it back to where i got my ecu fitted and wired for emissions checks and further mapping. finally think ive got the emissions sorted now and its running much better at idle with ecu controlling lambda.
when we tried to do a few power runs it seems to have developed a serious mis-fire at about 6250 rpm and power just dies off. only making 184 bhp.
every time he tried to alter ignition advance/retard (not sure which) to increase power the mis-fire continued. the only way it would rev out comfortably,and trouble free was when it was making low power at 184 bhp.
he thought it was a coil pack breaking down as he lessened the plug gaps to about 0.8mm from 1.1 and said i should buy some more and bring the car back,(2 hour drive). but they are really expensinve.
i then rang original place and asked for advice before i buy something i may not need and he said he doesnt think it will be coil packs and more likely a wiring fault somewhere!
any ideas what i should be looking for? cheers

2003 honda s2000

dta s60 pro

tilly819 - 28/3/12 at 08:27 PM

Im afraid i am not going to be much use as regards your fault, but i am very curious why you are using a stand alone ecu and not the standard s2000 one?

hope you get it sorted


daviep - 28/3/12 at 08:31 PM

There appears to be a big part of the story missing.............what was changed to sort emissions?

Is it definately an electrical misfire?


daniel mason - 28/3/12 at 08:39 PM

i went with dta s60 on the recommendations of others mainly and i got a quote for wiring my standard ecu to my kit car of £1200 so i bought the dta and got it wired for less than that then sold the ecu.
as for emissions im not sure on what was changed as i wasnt with the car originally when emissions were set. but we got the ecu lambda output working and some more low down mapping done.idling now at 14.7 afr and seems spot on

tilly819 - 28/3/12 at 08:42 PM

£1200 bloody hell,

took me about 3 evenings to chop the loom down and figure out what all the wires do for mine then a weekend to wire them in, wish i had known when you were doing it and id have given you a hand.


daniel mason - 28/3/12 at 08:51 PM

with an s2000 engine? what dash did you use mate?

daviep - 28/3/12 at 08:52 PM

What were the gas readings when the misfiring?


daniel mason - 28/3/12 at 08:57 PM

not sure davie. am not a mechanic of any description and seem to have bitten off more than i can chew with such a difficult install. am just a guy who loves cars.
im not even sure what to be looking for when fault finding? i was told damaged ecu connectorpins are usually the cause so id imagine checking the 4x coil outputs.
the mapping was throwing up cam sensor fault codes on his pc on mis-fire!

austin man - 28/3/12 at 09:07 PM

My brother in law had a misfire that we spent an age on trying to identify, not an s2000 we checked all wiring changed the coil pack, changed all plug leads etc etc. Then moved to the injectors fuel pump. eventually found the problem to be the size of the swirl pot built into the tank it was too small and couldn't cope with har acceleration. New 1 litre swirlpot fitted problem solved.

Steve Keenan also had a problem with his S2000 , his tank wasn't vented adequately. Sometimes is the simple things you need to look at first

tilly819 - 28/3/12 at 09:08 PM

i was going to use the s2k dash but i used a koso rx1n in sted since it was already in the car from the bike engine that was there before it.

here is a thread i did in the haynes forum if you are interested


beaver34 - 28/3/12 at 09:34 PM

What wiring have you used to the crank sensor? It needs to be shielded cable to stop interference

daniel mason - 28/3/12 at 09:41 PM

he wired a shielded cable to crank sensor. but that could be something to look at.

perksy - 28/3/12 at 10:12 PM

If you have the DTA software installed on a laptop you can check the operation of various sensors
and it even has an oscilloscope for checking the trace of the crank sensor
Worth getting it installed if you haven't already

Otherwise start with the basics first and double check all electrical connections
Check the plug at the ECU etc

Are you using an FIA type cutout switch ? Seen these cause misfires

coyoteboy - 29/3/12 at 12:06 AM

Sounds like a crank sensor pickup to me too, either vibration of the sensor or possibly a gap issue - I'd be getting a scope on that output. PITA.

MikeRJ - 29/3/12 at 11:17 AM

Is it using the original Honda crank sensor and trigger wheel?

daniel mason - 29/3/12 at 11:56 AM

Can someone please explain what the crank sensor actually should be doing and how I go about fault finding, if it's not correct

coyoteboy - 29/3/12 at 05:45 PM

Hard to give you an actual detail without knowing if you're using the stock trigger and how you're using it. Also with the s2000 I suspect it'll use cam sensors too which will need to be checked.

daniel mason - 29/3/12 at 06:11 PM

it must be stock as i just removed the engine and box from the donor s2000 to the mnr. it does have cam sensor also but im un sure how to check this