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bike carb fuel leak/malpussi fuel regulator issue
Fishface - 10/4/12 at 04:29 PM

Just trying to do my first engine start but am struggling a bit for the following reasons:

1. Fuel leaking out of bike carbs from one of the un used black pipe terminal.
I think this is because of the fuel pressure being too high and not because its meant to have a pip on it going somewhere?

2. Malpussi fuel filter /pressure regulator cant seem to be adjust anymore than from 4-5psi? Any ideas or just replace my fuel pump for a bike one and not use a filter king fuel regulator, shame as i thought it could be adjusted down to 1psi.

I tried to start it anyway but just got some pop and bangs so may be a megajolt wiring issue as well


NigeEss - 10/4/12 at 04:39 PM

It's very common for the float valves on bike carbs to stick if they've been unused for a while. So it's worth
stripping and cleaning them before anything else. Clean all the drillings and jets whilst youre at it.

ChrisL - 10/4/12 at 05:03 PM

I'll second float valves, also beware that if the inlet manifold is filling with fuel you could end up buggering the engine by causing an hydraulic lock (as I did). Most bike carbs are supposed to run at 3 psi, certainly my zx6r carbs do. Ideally you should use the fuel pump from the same bike. As a) it'll delivers the correct pressure and b) will prob' be an interrupter type, i.e when the correct pressure is reached the pump cuts out.

mad-butcher - 10/4/12 at 06:33 PM

if you're using the right pump (carbed bike) you won't need a regulator, most carbed bike pumps are all the same and made by mitsubishi


Fishface - 10/4/12 at 06:57 PM

i just dont fancy all the hassle of changing it, plus i managed to do it ok before on my last car with the same set up. Im wondering if i can fiddle with the fuel king regulator.

I was wondering if its only the fuel pressure thats the issue, why does it only spill out of the right hand side top pipe and not also the one on the left?

jacko - 10/4/12 at 07:59 PM

I agree with what the others say bike carbs can do some funny things and the best solution is to fit the best pump for the job
A bike pump and go from there

tul214 - 10/4/12 at 10:20 PM

As the others have said, use the bike pump, however are you turning the malpassi the right way? You have to turn the adjuster 'out' to slow it down (anti clockwise)

Andi - 10/4/12 at 10:32 PM

2. Malpussi fuel filter /pressure regulator cant seem to be adjust anymore than from 4-5psi? Any ideas or just replace my fuel pump for a bike one and not use a filter king fuel regulator, shame as i thought it could be adjusted down to 1psi.

Lots of folk have used this set up and it has been fine and with a lot less pressure... So something is amiss.
The original bike carb fuel pump will work but as I found out the other week, they cost more than a tenner like they did only a couple of years ago from a bike breakers yard. Probably more like £40