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What are the cylinder head torques on a Ford Zetec se 1.6?
rich201283 - 9/7/12 at 05:44 PM

What are the cylinder head torques on a Ford Zetec se 1.6 2002 plate?

johnH20 - 12/7/12 at 08:36 PM

According to my Haynes manual refitting the cylinder head is a 3 stage process. 1) torque to 15Nm ( in the right sequence of course ) 2) torque to 30Nm 3) angle tighten through 90 deg. You will need new bolts.

beaver34 - 12/7/12 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by johnH20
According to my Haynes manual refitting the cylinder head is a 3 stage process. 1) torque to 15Nm ( in the right sequence of course ) 2) torque to 30Nm 3) angle tighten through 90 deg. You will need new bolts.

Not 100% true,

Bolts can be used twice then you new ones, the question is have they been out before