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Zetec water pump help!
Matt_C - 16/11/12 at 09:56 AM

Hi guys,

I am currently confusing myself with my 1.8 silvertop zetec rebuild and which way the water pump should run. I don't want to cook an engine because I have made a silly mistake at this stage.

I replaced the water pump, as the bearing had gone, with the identical 1993 Ford Mondeo one. I am not sure if this should be running clockwise or anti-clockwise to work correctly, my set up can be seen in the picture below, with the pump running clockwise. From some of the forum posts I have seen people replace the Mondeo pump with the Orion or Escort water pump as this runs in the opposite direction. Can anyone tell me which pump I should be using?

I still need a 5/6 grooved pulley for the water pump which I understand can be borrowed off a Fiesta/Escort. Are these the correct cars to be borrowing the pulley from? Or does anyone have a spare kicking around? Mine originally came with a smooth pulley as the back face of the belt was in contact with the pulley when running.



loggyboy - 16/11/12 at 10:02 AM

big_wasa - 16/11/12 at 10:14 AM

Yep you want the escort pump not the mondeo one and the escort pulley as well.

Matt_C - 16/11/12 at 10:26 AM

Cheers guys,

That makes things clearer, sadly it means buying another new water pump, much better than replacing an engine though!


coozer - 16/11/12 at 10:49 AM

Just run an idler to get it going the right way? Cheaper than a new pump??

avagolen - 16/11/12 at 06:39 PM

Having fitted the 'wrong' pump and added an idler, I would definatly go for the
escort pump and pulley etc.

I have purchased the correct parts and will fit them on the next major service


See what I mean.....