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Pinto Ignition question
DarrenW - 1/10/04 at 02:12 PM

If you get a 2.0 pinto from a donor but dont get the ignition module etc, is it possible to still get it running? Would i need a new ingition system (dizzy etc)? Can anyone tell me what is required, eg can i use a luminition system or something similar? Im hoping that a more traditional dizzy and coil set up will work.

DarrenW - 1/10/04 at 02:48 PM

i should have said that the reason i ask is that ive bought the engine from someone but its still in his transit. Hes getting someone else to swap the engine (diesel going in). Ive asked for the module etc but he didnt seem too clever. Im guessing the mechanic wont bother himself too much and i dont know how to take his loom apart to remove it without causing him any problems.

Any help greatly appreciated.

nick205 - 1/10/04 at 03:29 PM

You will need an ignition module of some sort, but an aftermarket Lumenition or Omex will do the job.

A couple of things with the Transit Pinto engine/gearbox which may be worth checking though...

1. I think it has a much lower compressions ratio then Car Pintos - might be wrong though.

2. I think they use a larger clutch assembly and different gear ratios.



DarrenW - 1/10/04 at 03:39 PM

Thanks Nick.

I think you are right about the compression and gearbox etc. The engine is running well and only £50. My idea is to get the car running and then look to build a 2.1 motor as another project later. The block is 205 and i guess i can skim the head or get injected head. Car is Mac#1 ZR so will take zetec at a later date should i (and my bank balance) so desire.

Engine comes without box. Im getting standard Sierra 5 speed. Youve got me worried about the clutch now - i hope it works out.

Ref the distributor options - will the luminition or similar equipment replace the standard module set up. i assume you are talking about the type that uses the standard distributor but gives improved quality spark (ive experienced this type of upgrade with an old mini before).
I hope the cost does not wreck the idea of the £50 engine being cheap. I have a DOHC donor car with NG engine but i think the module from it is totally different. I may try and get the module and plug from the tranny but dont know if this will stop his from running. I guess not as he wont be using this - anybody have any ideas?


bob - 1/10/04 at 03:44 PM


It would make things a lot easier if you got the module/amplifier that feeds the bosch distibuter from the transit.

Dont worry about the clutch a 2 litre sierra clutch will go on,and if need be there are plenty of flywheels down the scrappy.

nick205 - 1/10/04 at 05:58 PM


If the guy is putting a Diesel engine in the transit he definitely won't need the ignition module.

The Lumention/Omex systems are designed to work with older points type distributors as I understand them, so you would probably need to get a different dizzy.

As Bob says, it will make it a lot easier if you can get the whole ignition system.



John22000 - 1/10/04 at 07:35 PM


I've finished up with a similar situation and as far as I can work out the block and head are the same as a standard Pinto,

It is the camshaft that makes all the difference, as the one I have is goosed my answer is to fit a cam from a 'standard' 2.0 Pinto............unless anyone knows different.


Rob Allison - 2/10/04 at 02:47 AM

The Transit 205 pinto has shorter pistons and a different cylinder head chamber (no injector cutouts either). If you want to up the CR you will need new pistons at least.
I've looked in to all the ford opitons on the 205 blocks for my turbo setup, as i need lower CR.
All the Cosworth stuff is over priced and heavy. So if your after a rebiuild on a 205 block running carbs or injection you can build up a good all most 2.1 motor with the following:
2.8 V6 93mm pistons, The conrod small ends need narrowing to fit the piston.
ARP Rod bolts.
Block decking by approx 1.5mm. This will bring the CR back up to about 9.2:1. The 2.8 pistons are shorter by 1.5mm.

For the brave the 94mm pistons can be used but unless its a 200 block don't over stress it as the block will be very thin.