Iv nearly finished cleaning my engine and will soon be wanting it to make engine noises of its own but i have no loom, no ECU and we don't know
what engine the car came from (other than it was a ford).
Have thought about swapping to carbs but can't seem to find a good cheap carb and manifold on the bay. Iv been looking at the ECU's on ebay
and not sure if any ford V6 ECU will work and il make my own loom. Id prefer to keep injection as i got upgraded injectors with the engine.
Other options would be Megasquirt but not sure how much used kits go for but budget is more tens of pounds rather than hundreds.
Does anyone know how to tell which car my engine is from or wether any 2.8 or 2.9 ECU would work with my 2.9? Any other suggestions welcome
few squirts of ether
MS would be at least couple of hundred with ecu, trigger wheel, lambda etc
Carbs go for silly money
Stock ECU will surely be most locost option (other than IDI diesel), not sure about which ECU will work though
I've got an EDIS6 unit sitting here if it's any use to you
[Edited on 15-1-2014 by Benzine]
Thought the 2.8's had a fuel distributor,real,old school injection which has Siamesed exhaust ports, if you have electronic injection then not
sure if a carb setup would even fit.
I'd pull out a couple of bearings and lift a rocker cover before wasting anytime on it, the cost to get an old unknown ford engine running would
be better spent on a v6 car and stripping out, they never made great power anyway.
That aside, if it has a distributor and sparks + throttle body then just spray some cold start or neat petrol down its throat while cranking! it will
splutter into life
[Edited on 15/1/14 by mark chandler]
Hmmm, thats not a bad idea. Give mesome time to save for megasquirt or similar in the future
2.9i have been carbed but it's not simple! (2.8 inlet manifold can be modified to fit and a hybrid dizzy constructed.) custom inlet for bike
carbs and MS may be the way to go nowadays?
2.9 OEM ECU comes in 2 main flavours - manual & auto box.
Originally posted by scimjim
2.9i have been carbed but it's not simple! (2.8 inlet manifold can be modified to fit and a hybrid dizzy constructed.) custom inlet for bike carbs and MS may be the way to go nowadays?
2.9 OEM ECU comes in 2 main flavours - manual & auto box.
fraid not - but there may also be sub-versions of auto ECU as the box changed a few times.