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Intermittent starting issue
Davey D - 25/6/14 at 06:47 AM

For a few months now ive had in intermittent issue with the Vortx Starting ( or not as the case may be) its got a 2006 R1 engine.

The odd time i will come to use it, press the starter button. The orange light on the R1 clocks flashes as it would normally when starting the engine, but the starter does nothing. If i then put the engine in gear, and rock the car back and forth giving the drive train a little jiggle it will then start up fine. Could it be the starter motor sticking? Any ideas?

bi22le - 25/6/14 at 05:24 PM

Neutral switch or side stand switch loosng connections?

Have you got a custom loom or bike one?

My car did a similar thing and it ended up being the CBS push button start next to the missile arm switch.

Davey D - 27/6/14 at 10:12 AM

Ill have to remove the dash, and have a good look at the wiring. Was at Cadwell all day yesterday. It did it once whilst there, and then again when i got home and tried to drive it off the trailer