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megajolt- toothed ring
magic55 - 17/11/04 at 04:52 PM

i went down the scrapyard todaty to get all the edis bits to set up a megajolt kit on my xflow.

i got everything except the disc with the teeth on it that gives crank position.

it says to get one off a sierra, but i got all the rest of the bits from a sierra and couldnt find it. in the end i gave up and had to go back to school.

from where removed the sensor it looks as though it was inside the bellhousing behind the flywheel somewhere.
Can this be right?

so does anyone know where to find it? as i dont want to spend £12 at ford when all the rest cost a fiver!

please help.


CairB - 17/11/04 at 05:36 PM


If you want to go really cheap:

I made one out of some 16's guage steel for my pinto when I was testing my MSnEDIS, seemed to work OK, your accuracy may affect the timing slightly but should be repeatable.

Photo of disc and pickup

It was made by drilling and snipping. I've put the drawing here if it helps.



Chris Green - 17/11/04 at 05:51 PM

Colin, do you have that as a dwg or dxf file?

Or any cad format for that matter!



stevebubs - 17/11/04 at 07:08 PM

Pretty sure the 1.8 I broke a while ago had one of these on the front pully

CairB - 17/11/04 at 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Chris Green
Colin, do you have that as a dwg or dxf file?

Or any cad format for that matter!



Sent U2U

Northy - 17/11/04 at 08:09 PM

Yeah, you want a CVH Sierra. Its on the front pulley then. If you got the sensor from near the bellhousing, then that engine has the teeth cut into the flywheel and is no good. The sensor will be fine though.

Brent said he was sending my bits today!

magic55 - 17/11/04 at 11:20 PM

Thanks for all the advice.

im now glad i didnt attempt to remove the flywheel to see what was behind it!!

think ill go and have another look tomorrow if i get chance.

colin, cheers for the drawing. if i cant find anything suitable i will definately use it.


stevebubs - 17/11/04 at 11:32 PM

Alternatively, I think Bill Shurvington on the megasquirt / se7ens list had a few Crossflow ones made up....he may still have one or 2 left.