So after a successfully MOT yesterday and some nice weather today I took the car for a little run out.
Biggest issued I've found so far is the rear axle is very noisy., it sounds like its straight cut. Its much louder than the exhaust.
I suspect it's a worn Crown wheel and Pinion. It didn't look 100% last time it was out, but didn't want to spend the ££ on a new set
without first testing it.
Question 1: Except for being really annoying do I risk damaging anything by continuing to use it?
Question 2: Can you recommend any good re-builders?
For Info its a 35 tooth crownwheel which I believe is 3.89:1 Ratio with LSD.
A bit obvious I know but have you checked the oil level?
Arrow engineering is regarded as one of the best for english diffs
Originally posted by 19sac65
Arrow engineering is regarded as one of the best for english diffs
Is it howling/whining or a rough dry abrasive growl sound?--- if the later it is likely just the halfshaft bearings or if you are very lucky a rear brake issue also check nothing is rubbing on the propshaft. If a howl/whine check the oil level before pulling anything major apart.
Originally posted by AntonUK
Originally posted by 19sac65
Arrow engineering is regarded as one of the best for english diffs
Local too
Would anyone have a phone number for them? I can't find one online
does it have poly bushes as these can be a mistake on road cars due to them making the diff whine vastly louder than rubber bushes
Originally posted by 19sac65
Originally posted by AntonUK
Originally posted by 19sac65
Arrow engineering is regarded as one of the best for english diffs
Local too
Would anyone have a phone number for them? I can't find one online
I think its
Arrow auto engineering
07891 604755
He used to be a contributor on this site
Dont know if hes still active