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Zetec Flywheel
steve allen - 21/12/04 at 08:33 AM

Can anyone advise the right position,? Just about to bolt a 1.8 Flywheel back onto to a Zetec (then a type 9 gearbox) is there a set postion relevant to the timing so that the crank sensor knows where it is at. If so how and where does it go

zetec - 21/12/04 at 09:13 AM

When you bolt in on there is only one position that all the bolt holes line up.

steve allen - 21/12/04 at 09:49 AM

If that's right then how daft to I feel. Will try tonight

stevebubs - 21/12/04 at 06:01 PM

Got me, too - put first bolt in then the others didn't line up. confused at first then I rotated the flywheel....job done.