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What can I use to hold these seals in?
Edwardo - 20/6/23 at 06:11 PM

The new seals for the carb bowls arrived today.

Usual problem - that they don't quite stay in the groove whilst I'm offering them up.

What's sticky that I can use to hold them temporarily but won't affect the seal material or react with fuel? :-

Benzine - 20/6/23 at 06:35 PM

Bit of hylomar blue?

gremlin1234 - 20/6/23 at 06:58 PM

at a long shot, maybe, Vaseline

ReMan - 20/6/23 at 11:45 PM

yes vaseline or a bit of normal grease for me

Mr Whippy - 21/6/23 at 06:59 AM

take the carb off and fit them

nick205 - 21/6/23 at 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
take the carb off and fit them

Always remove the carb and do these sort of jobs.

1. Safer on the table in front of you
2. Removes the risk of dropping small parts into the carb or engine bay
3. Clean the parts as you go (clean parts/assemblies just seem to function better)

WRT getting the seal to stay put; vaseline or a smear of grease. I've also found it helps to warm the seal in a mug of warm tap water first too (makes it more pliable and likely to stay in the groove).

Edwardo - 21/6/23 at 08:14 AM

Thanks for the replies all.

I did think about Petroleum jelly at first - but then read some internet posts about it eating away at the seals on the sides where its not washed away by the fuel.

Finally bit the bullet though and went through the pain of taking them off the car completely.

The even better news was that I managed to get them back on with no leaks and the got the car fired up for the first time in nearly 3 years!

Thanks again.

nick205 - 21/6/23 at 08:25 AM

Progress and success - all good!