Can people post pics of their modified pick up pipes please ? so I can form an idea for the design of mine.
To describe what I have, the pipe starts as a bend abou 1.5" radius heading down down from a bolted flanged connection to the oil pump and
turning towards the middle of the sump, runs straight for about 4" then it would normally bend down again I have cut it flush across the bend and
in line with the bottom surface of the straight run (if you see what I mean) the final oval shaped hole is parallel with the bottom of the sump and is
about 8mm from touching.
I need to put a gauze on it somehow, is anyone elses anything like mine ? if so how have you fitted a gauze ?
I have a pic on my build site here have a look in the Feb 2004 section for pics of the
modified sump and pick up pipe
Is that the Pinto from the Sierra you are using ?
Looks like I could adapt an oil pickup gauze from one to fit mine.
tis' indeed the mighty Pinto, donated froma Sierra.
Having looked at your archive more closely, it looks like you are using a Zetec?
The principle should be the same though!
There are some good sites in the links section,this is one of them that i have used.
click on fitment and its all there
Originally posted by nick205
Having looked at your archive more closely, it looks like you are using a Zetec?
That Zetec link was perfect, I think Ill get a Zetec oil gauze thing now, that is almost identical to how mine will have to be.
ahhh! All becomes clear
I didnt even look in the archive,looks a nice fitment
Do all Zetec varaints have the same style pick up pipe ?
Anyone know of any Zetec specialists that could do me a good deal on one ?!
Not sure if a scrappie would be too keen on letting me pilfer a pickup pipe off an otherwise potentially good engine, not very often they get in cars
with duff engines.