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Running a diff without oil
psylsph - 6/5/05 at 04:21 PM

Just managed to trace my noisy transmission to a severe lack of diff oil. Its a MKII escort live axel. I've already put in 2 litres, how much should one of these take. It looks like the leak had been more serious than I thought, suppose it's done some damage hopefully not too much though.


Danozeman - 6/5/05 at 05:19 PM

Not sure how much it should hold but u fill til it comes out of the level/filler whole. According to the trusty haynes about a litre ish.

ChrisGamlin - 6/5/05 at 05:54 PM

Yep its usually a smidge over 1L. Make sure the car's level when you're doing it otherwise it will be running up the tubes, Im not sure you could get 2L in there without it being almost on its nose tho!