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Which bike can?
smac - 8/10/05 at 02:09 PM

My part built came with an ART bike can which actually seems to be louder than no can at all. I need something thats quiet so I can run the engine in the drive whilst I tinker without the neighbours going mad. Ive tried getting the ART can apart to repack it but cant. What bike can i( if any )will do the job or is there a better (cheap) solution?

smac - 10/10/05 at 03:58 PM


Winston Todge - 10/10/05 at 04:01 PM

Hey smac.

Have a squizz at my website for the can I've used...

I know a few people that have used standard R1 cans and say they are efficent and quiet. If you need something a little louder or with more breathing you can easily cut out the integral cat built into this silencer too...

Gives a lot more info too... Under 'Silencer Nov 02' and 'SVA Preparation 03'.

And only £8.50 off ebay!


[Edited on 10-10-05 by Winston Todge]

sebastiaan - 10/10/05 at 06:09 PM

I've used a standard ZXR12 can on mine. Lightweight, and ideally suited for pinto (right-hand exhaust) setups. See my photo archive for pics.

gutball - 10/10/05 at 06:52 PM


I'm using the can from the previous R1 (upto '99 I think). Whats this about an integral cat?? Where did you find the info on that? Do you think the earlier one has that as well? Might prove very useful...

smac - apologies for minor hijack, but the R1 cans are cool.

[Edited on 10/10/05 by gutball]

Winston Todge - 10/10/05 at 07:27 PM

Hey gutball.

To my knowledge the Fuel Injected model (ie. >2002) had a small catalytic converter fitted to the rear of the can. Fairly sure the carbed version didn't...

To be honest I haven't actually removed the original link pipe to check this on the silencer I bought from ebay; but I seem to recollect a picture of a catalytic gauze in the rear of an R1 silencer on someone's build diary.

I'll try to dig it up...


gutball - 10/10/05 at 07:30 PM

Oh, bummer

If you can find the info would appreciate it, cheers.


Winston Todge - 10/10/05 at 07:56 PM

I'm sure it's fairly common knowledge that the FI'd exhaust can has a cat in it... Rob mentions in his diary in the link above too...

Will butcher my exhaust up soon and post pics to confirm.

Someone must be able to confirm this though? Anyone?


smac - 10/10/05 at 09:21 PM

All good stuff. Thanks everyone. Ebay beckons.
