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GSXR TBs - Removing second butterflies
mattdearden - 30/10/05 at 11:01 AM


I've managed to remove the solenoid and butterfiles, but cannot figure out how the spindal comes out. It appears to be fixed between two of the throttle bodies with a nut hidden under the linkage and a spring.

Can anyone shed some light on how they come out?


liam.mccaffrey - 30/10/05 at 12:22 PM

take the fuel rail off
unscrew the 2 hex head bolts engouh to free the 4 body then you can unscrew the retaining the nuts and the spindle will come out in 2 parts

this was hyow idid my gsxr 600's

[Edited on 30/10/05 by liam.mccaffrey]

mattdearden - 30/10/05 at 06:57 PM

Thanks Liam. I hadn't even thought of separating them to remove the spindals.

Job done