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froggy - 25/11/05 at 07:16 PM

im looking into using one in my v-twin engined kitten, but not sure how you plumb it in or how you can maintain the oil level in the sump as it appears to hold two pints in the accusump which gets pushes through the oil pump if the oil pressurre drops below a certain level(if im reading it right) how does the sump get back to the original level once the pressure has stabilized?

mangogrooveworkshop - 25/11/05 at 07:22 PM

joolsmi16 - 25/11/05 at 07:25 PM

Hi once the oil pressure levels out the remainding oil returns back into the accusump.

Kowalski - 25/11/05 at 07:57 PM

The accusump will normally be full of oil when the engine is running, so when you fill up your sump with oil you'll have to take into account the capacity of the accusump.

The engine will have to be stopped to check your oil level accurately, if it's stopped the accusump will empty itself, so getting your oil level spot on is going to be a bit more difficult...

froggy - 25/11/05 at 08:39 PM

yep makes sense but still not sure how to plumb it in. my thought is to tap into one of the lines which connect to the oil cooler or the oil pressure switch ,does anyone out there use one on a bike engine? looks like about 300quid for the smallest version with the fittings and valve so its not too dear compared to dry sump which doesnt exist for my engine

Jon Ison - 25/11/05 at 08:40 PM

start engine up, get accusump up too operating pressure, close valve, stop engine, check and sort oil level, easy peasy.........

if you close the valve before you switch off each time then open it before staring it will pre oil your engine before you start it, and that's when most ware takes place, staring with no oil going around.

you can get one with a solenoid valve that closes when you turn ignition off and opens when you turn it on, i used a mechanical one though.

best place too plumb it in would be an adaptor screwed into the oil pressure gauge take off, well that's what i did any way, don't be tempted too "T" into an oil cooler line these often run at a reduced pressure (on bike engines anyway)

Jon Ison - 25/11/05 at 08:44 PM

would this guy deliver ????

froggy - 25/11/05 at 08:53 PM

thanks jon,on a different note ive figured out how to chain drive my diff now but the chain drives the input pinion not the crown wheel and ive reversed the sprocket setup from the bike so it goes 17-40 then steps back down to 17 on the diff flange so cancelling out the primary reduction and giving me 15mph per 1000 rpm on ten inch wheels .once ive took some pics il run a book on whats going to break heath and robinson would be proud but it stands me 260quid all in so far unlike my mk

owelly - 26/11/05 at 03:48 PM

Accusump is a trade name and others are available but check if the one you go for has a piston and a pressurised air gap or is just a cylinder. The ones without the piston can only be mounted vertically but are a shed load cheaper!!