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Fiamma Fuel Filler
ReMan - 19/3/06 at 01:28 PM

Has anybody used one of the Fiamma fuel fillers as supplied by MAC1 and others?
I want to know wether its got a vented cap or not, so therefore wether I need to connect its inbuilt breather tube to the top of my MK fuel tank , and drill out the breather hole in the tank for it?
If you get what I mean!

DarrenW - 20/3/06 at 09:06 AM

Ive used one. SVA man said it was vented at the test. Its a nice bit of kit. Not the best looking but for the price very good.

Its worth oiling the lock regularly - ive been using my car over the winter and the lock got a bit stiff at one point. This probs affects them all - not just the Fiam fillers.

My tank had a breather pipe as well. I fitted a length of fuel hose and a fish tank one way valve to the end (the type used to stop the water siphoning back down the air stone tubes). Ive secured this high up in the boot area so there is no chance of fuel getting passed it when tank is full.

[Edited on 20/3/06 by DarrenW]