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so i want to build a Rs turbo Kit car!!!!!
Arthur T - 25/4/06 at 06:04 PM

has any one built one?
has any one got any pictures?

any advice?

owelly - 25/4/06 at 06:07 PM

What flavour kit?
Seveny type?
Scratch built?
Mid/rear/fronty mounted?

Covin do a RST 911 replica IIRC.

andyharding - 25/4/06 at 06:11 PM

Have a look at this:-

BKLOCO - 25/4/06 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Arthur T
has any one built one?
has any one got any pictures?

any advice?

One question.


Arthur T - 25/4/06 at 06:27 PM

yes i am going for a super 7 style with a Escort Turbo engine. my mate it rebuilding his rs Turbo so has a spare bottom end & he bought a new head with cams dirty cheap from ebay. i want to go zetec lump but old ford parts are SO cheap it seems logical.

i am always looking at built BADLY kits on ebay & was thinking of doing a "make over" as this would be more cost effective & no SVA WINNER !!!

Escort Rs turbo's can squeese out 200bhp quite cheaply so i was thinking that will make a good race & road car....... (think i am giving to much away here EVERY 1 will be making one now!!!) DAM

Simon - 25/4/06 at 06:47 PM

I'm hoping to add a pair of turbos to this along with fuel injection.

The more I look at it, the more I think it's a stupid idea. Loads of plumbing - oil/water a pair of intercoolers, and new exhausts

Still, it will be done


Simon Rescued attachment engine.JPG
Rescued attachment engine.JPG

stevec - 25/4/06 at 07:35 PM

I will go with BKLOCO and say why?

froggy - 25/4/06 at 08:27 PM

rs turbos make at least 250hp in every mag ive seen them in

Arthur T - 25/4/06 at 08:31 PM


-it fits in nice
- its a standard lump which i can then tuned simply
- its fast
-its low cost
- parts are readly available

and it goes WWWWwwwwwhhhhh

Liam - 25/4/06 at 08:39 PM


Why not!! Everyone knows snails are the way to happiness!! I'm having two! Dont know owt about these engines, but I assume it'll mate to a RWD box the same as a non turbo. Just a bit more plumbing to do that's all. Oh and a dump valve to fit so it goes WWWWwwwwwhhhhh - pchshhh

Good luck,


[Edited on 25/4/06 by Liam]

Arthur T - 25/4/06 at 08:47 PM

i went to the DAX open day the weekend before last and there were some very impressive being a Fiesta Rs turbo (i have added a pic) the cooling was achieved by splitting the air 50/50

i thought this would work quite nice + if i added a dual copper core rad with two fans........what do people think?

BKLOCO - 25/4/06 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Arthur T

-it fits in nice
- its a standard lump which i can then tuned simply
- its fast
-its low cost
- parts are readly available

and it goes WWWWwwwwwhhhhh

I think you may be missing the point.
Do you want to attempt it because you want a challenget that is out of the ordinary to what most people do?
Are you doing it because you think this is the easiest way to get a fast vehicle?
If you have experience in building/modifying vehicles then a project of this type could make an interesting build. and I wish you luck with it.
If you are doing it because you want a fast 7 style car then I would suggest that there are better/easier/more sofisticated engine options.

In your original post you mentioned racing.
I think you should do considerably more research before installing a turbo in a seven as I don't think there any classes that run this spec.

[Edited on 25-4-06 by BKLOCO]

jon_boy - 25/4/06 at 09:15 PM

I think the turbo engines are a great idea (im using a 1.8 turbo CA18DET from a 200sx) as they are cheap and can easily be tuned to point where they more than make up for the heavier weight. And you get that lovely tish as you change gear. If your going RS turbo i would seriously consider getting a zetec and making ZVH with all the parts though. Jon

NS Dev - 25/4/06 at 09:19 PM

go for a ride in a 7 with a turbo engine first.

I went in an RS turbo powered westfield a while back and it was, to put it politely....not very nice.

each to their own

jon_boy - 25/4/06 at 09:24 PM

Is it a bit "lairy"? Im sticking with my small turbo so no lag to suddenly kick in and ruin my pants. To be fair im only ever going to do a few track days myself and just want a car that can go fast. And now ive made it look pretty and rebuilt it so there is no going back...

BKLOCO - 25/4/06 at 09:28 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
go for a ride in a 7 with a turbo engine first.

I went in an RS turbo powered westfield a while back and it was, to put it politely....not very nice.

each to their own

I'm with you on this one.

Can see very little point in this option.
If you want a "missile" then go the BEC route.
If you wnt a fast driveable car stick with proven power plants. IMHO of course

But as you say each to there own.

NS Dev - 25/4/06 at 09:32 PM

As I say each to their own, I certainly didn't find it lairy, just a pain in the arse with the on-off power delivery and lack of throttle response.

Really not my cup of tea, but most on here will know my dislike of turbos!

They are great for, (thinking back to my past experience!) around a month of hooning around, then they just become frustrating.

A lot better if the turbos are bolted to a decent size engine to start with and the car has 4wd, this overcomes the lack of low down torque and the lack of traction on boost to a large extent.
(see liam's build)

Not really very colin chapman though!

froggy - 25/4/06 at 09:39 PM

i remember years back a survey of lots of top drivers and without exeption given the choice n/a was first choice every time

Liam - 25/4/06 at 09:50 PM

Yeah but everyone knows racing drivers are fairies!!

I like the fact with turbo cars that you can drive sedately and reasonably economically off boost, and have the on-boost performance when you want it!

In my experience the kick of a sensible pressure turbo is no more dangerous or unpredictable than, say, a bike engine coming on cam. The key is simply not to be silly enough to come on boost whilst exiting a roundabout in the wet and fall under a lorry!


NS Dev - 25/4/06 at 09:55 PM

it wasn't the danger I was getting at though, it was the very characteristic you mentioned!

It seems nice for a month of driving, then gets annoying as you have to drive around it all the time!

I'll place a bet right now that after a month on the road you will agree with what I said above!

I hope to be proven wrong but lets see!

Arthur T - 25/4/06 at 10:06 PM

Q- (I think you may be missing the point.
Do you want to attempt it because you want a challenget that is out of the ordinary to what most people do?)

A- i love a challange...
there in no point spending many many hrs in my garage building a slow kit car that gets beaten by Every thing on the road... the Super 7 was called a Super 7 because it was Super! but now that same Super 7 can be beaten by a pug 206 so i am just pushing the Super 7 into the next level

Q (Are you doing it because you think this is the easiest way to get a fast vehicle?)

A- Nope but YES FAST.........i do not know enought about bike engines. to coment but... i do not belive it that engine would be suitable as i do not belive it would be strong enought due to bike engines working on power to weight increase the weight you put large stresses on the engine!!

Q- (If you have experience in building/modifying vehicles then a project of this type could make an interesting build. and I wish you luck with it.)

A- i like playing with cars & thank you

Q- (In your original post you mentioned racing.
I think you should do considerably more research before installing a turbo in a seven as I don't think there any classes that run this spec.)

A- good point!!! but i am sure there are ways around this..can only try

P.S i like this web site...its interesting seeing every bodies veiws even the turbo haters....he he

Liam - 25/4/06 at 10:08 PM

We'll see

I reckon if you want to drive fast you should just keep it all singing. Should just be a matter of skill to work the box and avoid bogging down majorly off boost?? I'm not really expecting much lag with a lightly twin turbo'd v6 - in the light car should hopefully just feel like a strong engine. Will be interesting to see anyway - it'll be NA with around 200bhp initially while i get comfy with the megasquirt.


[Edited on 25/4/06 by Liam]

Liam - 25/4/06 at 10:15 PM

A- Nope but YES FAST.........i do not know enought about bike engines. to coment but... i do not belive it that engine would be suitable as i do not belive it would be strong enought due to bike engines working on power to weight increase the weight you put large stresses on the engine!!

There aren't any reports of major mileages in BECs that I know of, but boy do they work!! You'll have to go some to be beating a BEC with an RS turbo engined car!


muzchap - 25/4/06 at 10:17 PM

Er - show me a Pug 206 that'll beat my Seven round a track!!!

My STANDARD Zetec should push out 170-178hp at flywheel with bike TB's and will murder a standard 206!

Ideally you needed a luego velocity kit - as the bonnet was much higher, allowing for the extra pipework, turbo

If it was me - I'd go ZETEC bottom end, with a Turbo head - fkin bullet proof then!

Remember - Sevens aren't built for STRAIGHTLINE speed - any muppet can go fast in a straight line - the beauty of a SEVEN is when those other cars are lifting/braking for the corner - you're nailing it - past them!

Porsche's are my favourite target - lardy German cars

Arthur T - 25/4/06 at 10:32 PM

why is a bike engine called (BEC)

i know i bike engine would be faster but not my cup of T..

i would love to go Zetec bottom end as i said at the begining my friend is rebuilding his rs Turbo & he is going that way but it costs. i think that will be a later project...but the idea is there...

i also do not mean a silly 206 gti is going to beat a 2ltr zetec kit car. but a classic Super 7 had a 1.6 single cam engine with little torque also its 30 years old. this technology has been superseeded.

NS Dev - 25/4/06 at 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Liam
We'll see

I reckon if you want to drive fast you should just keep it all singing. Should just be a matter of skill to work the box and avoid bogging down majorly off boost?? I'm not really expecting much lag with a lightly twin turbo'd v6 - in the light car should hopefully just feel like a strong engine. Will be interesting to see anyway - it'll be NA with around 200bhp initially while i get comfy with the megasquirt.


[Edited on 25/4/06 by Liam]

I think you'll be ok with your car if I'm honest Liam.

I've driven a twin turbo XR4x4, with the pair of diddy turbos on it and that drove very well I will admit, but there was a lot of plumbing!

Don't underestimate the difficulty of "keeping it singing" though! Believe me I don't hang about when driving "in earnest" but most road car gearing is very wide for a turbo power band!

The best turbo car I have ever been in was an Escort Cossie shell fitted with an "ex granada" Cossie V6 and full ford motorsport 4wd transmission. 3.7 litre stroker steel billet crank, forged pistons, billet rods, flowed heads, twin turbocharged, huge intercooler very nicely made and superb design of inlet plumbing including made from scratch ally inlet manifolds and stainless tubular exhaust manifolds before the turbos.

Was revving to 9,000 rpm or just over and made just a little over 700hp, and about that figure in lbft of torque.

Was an interesting car when used on the road!

Broke £20,000 gearboxes with alarming regularity though, hence why it has been dismantled!

NS Dev - 25/4/06 at 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Arthur T
why is a bike engine called (BEC)

i know i bike engine would be faster but not my cup of T..

i would love to go Zetec bottom end as i said at the begining my friend is rebuilding his rs Turbo & he is going that way but it costs. i think that will be a later project...but the idea is there...

i also do not mean a silly 206 gti is going to beat a 2ltr zetec kit car. but a classic Super 7 had a 1.6 single cam engine with little torque also its 30 years old. this technology has been superseeded.

superceded maybe but it will still thrash a 206 gti around a track!

mangogrooveworkshop - 26/4/06 at 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Arthur T
why is a bike engine called (BEC)

i know i bike engine would be faster but not my cup of T..

i would love to go Zetec bottom end as i said at the begining my friend is rebuilding his rs Turbo & he is going that way but it costs. i think that will be a later project...but the idea is there...

i also do not mean a silly 206 gti is going to beat a 2ltr zetec kit car. but a classic Super 7 had a 1.6 single cam engine with little torque also its 30 years old. this technology has been superseeded.


As for the ZVH its a nice idea but as a bitsa engine its a bad idea challange or not.

Arthur T - 26/4/06 at 10:11 AM

Q- As for the ZVH its a nice idea but as a bitsa engine its a bad idea challange or not.

A- WHY???
its a strong engine? its know to produce 200bhp cheaply & easily.
its a standard engine so the only alterations would be mods i want to do rather than mods that would be needed.
the pipe work is straight forward couple of new pipes larger bonnet....& done.. well thats the plan!

Mezzz - 26/4/06 at 10:25 AM

I was looking at going down the route of putting an car engine into.... what that thing called.. a car


I found out about this amazing thing where you put a Bike engine into a car and it was love

Im still not a total BEC head but I am getting there you should look into it

0-60 in under 4 sec

BKLOCO - 26/4/06 at 11:49 AM

I realy don't want to wee on your chips but reading this thread from start to here I get the distinct feeling that you have gone to an open day and come away dreaming.
I may be wrong.
Your best course of action would be to listen to the people on this forum.
There are a lot of very experienced builders on here ( and I don't necessarily include myself in this catagory). Listen to what you are being told.
Do lots of research first. Then you stand more chance of getting a useable car on the road/track rather than another pile of bits on e-bay.
I honestly do not think youy have any idea of the performance of these cars even with a lowly 1600 Kent in them.
It's all about power to weight ratios.
Thats what gives you the blistering acceleration. Top speed is HP related.
and there are published formulas for working out top speeds with drag coefficients and horse power. Like I say do the research.
Don't assume that just because an engine has forced induction that it is going to outperform a similar car that is na. It aint always so.

Marcus - 26/4/06 at 11:59 AM

Just recently, I've been hooning round in Roland's book Locost with bog standard crossflow (86 bhp if you're lucky). It is SO MUCH FUN!
I'd like to see a 206 keep up with that!
Mine uses a 1700 crossflow (about 120 bhp) It's mad!
These are both 30 year old engines and can still outperform all but the supercar brigade, especially on the twisties.
CVH engines can be tuned for more power than crossflows due to their larger standard valves and better combustion chamber design. I'd say build the turbo lump and have a larf!!


Peteff - 26/4/06 at 01:39 PM

So build one, don't ask for approval or opinions you don't really want, get forward and then tell us about it after. If you've built it you'll like it and you don't need to justify yourself or your motives to anybody else. Sylva Mojo would be your easiest option I think as it can use the Escort/Fiesta in the rear with it's front wheel drive box, get your hand in your pocket, get the spanners out and stop dreaming.

[Edited on 26/4/06 by Peteff]

quadra - 26/4/06 at 07:59 PM

I say go for it, be different, that is the beauty of the seven, everyone likes something different but the principal is the same. You like messing with cars. I have driven a turbo'd seven for 6 years now and it still scares me. I like the torque you get from a turbo car whether it be petrol or diesel, as Liam said you get the best of both worlds docile off boost and not so docile on boost. Turbo lag isn't nearly as bad these days due to better turbo and tuning technology and in my opinion it is no different to most modern day 16v engines which have very little power or torque low down in the rev range and then come on cam at about 4000 rpm. I drive a Clio 182 as an everyday car and whilst it is good fun it is tiresome trying to get the best from it due to relatively small power band high up in the rev range and the constant gear changing required to keep it all singing. I have no doubt that bike engines are fun and make all the right noises but an r1 engine can't make 200lb/ft torque at 2500 rpm can it now (well not without a turbo anyway). Snails and front diffs rule.


[Edited on 26/4/06 by quadra]

ady8077 - 26/4/06 at 09:30 PM


Theres a chap on the westy forum who's just upgraded his n/a cvh to an rs turbo have a look at;act=ST;f=3;t=32025;hl=turbo


froggy - 26/4/06 at 10:38 PM

if you want the bec experience put your car in second gear and drive along a dual carriageway at 50mph and see how long you can stand it for

cue abuse about wheezy v8,s and boat anchors