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crank case breather?
that didnt hurt - 10/5/06 at 01:03 PM

can anyone help? I've got a 1600 cross flow in my kit car, I've fitted twin 40s, and have no idea where the pipe goes that comes from the crank case breather and its spitting oil all over the place?
help ???

muzchap - 10/5/06 at 01:15 PM

I believe you should have an oil catch tank.

There's been some pretty ingenious ideas regarding this.

Favourite is an annodised flask with some holes cut in the lid. - Try a search

wildchild - 10/5/06 at 01:16 PM

I don't know the engine, but on most engines I've seen it goes into the airbox.

If it's spitting that much out are you sure it's not got too much oil in?

I'm sure someone who actually has a x-flow will be along in a minute to correct me!

rusty nuts - 10/5/06 at 01:17 PM

Loads of info on this if you do a search . Search button is just below the locost logo at top left hand of page. just click on search and type in crankcase breather . BTW welcome to the forum

mookaloid - 10/5/06 at 01:31 PM

yup breather catch tank is the answer.


that didnt hurt - 10/5/06 at 01:34 PM

thanks guys, there is a valve in the bottom of the pipe that comes from the crank case that stops oil going back down it, hence its spitting out the other end. i like the DIY flask, am i right in thinking i would just have one pipe going in and a breather outlet?. i dont have anyother pipes that need to go there? only the photo shows 2 pipes and says one is from the rocker cover??

02GF74 - 10/5/06 at 01:40 PM

everyone has asked this question, even me

simplest/cheapest is pipe into a bear can, a purpose buit catch tank with sight guaqge is the other extreme.

the haynes does show a breather out of the rocker cover - near or part of the filler cap, if you ain't got one, then don't worry, I don't have one either.

also to preempt your next question, it generally is not a good idea to re-use the oil due to moisture contaminants.

that didnt hurt - 10/5/06 at 01:44 PM

Spot on !!

thanks guys, no doubt i will get stuck again soon !!!!!
all welcome round mine for beer anytime !

David Jenkins - 10/5/06 at 01:51 PM

Originally the breather hose went into a coupling on the inlet manifold of the downdraught carb.

If you don't have such a carb then a catch tank seems the best answer...


Anglia66 - 10/5/06 at 05:12 PM

If you're using an electric fuel pump make sure the blanking plate fitted to the block has a small bracket on it which sits inside the engine above the cam.This prevents oil from blowing through the breather but still allows the fumes to escape.
Before I fitted one I could easily get a litre of oil in my catch tank after a days drag racing but afterwards it barely covered the bottom.