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nasty noise
john_p_b - 5/8/06 at 02:58 PM

anyone shed any light on my problems......

if i turn hard left i'm getting a really nasty crunching/grinding noise. it's not something thats just appeared it's been there since the car was built as i put it down to a tired diff but changed that (twice now) still the same so thought driveshaft, changed them, still the same! i was sure it was something back end but i've changed everything i can think of now, diff, shafts, hub bearings. there's nothing on the back that appears to be catching anywhere, for the noise it makes there should be a well ground out surface by now.

i'm thinking possibly gearbox mount now? anyone know if ford still sell them?

someone give me some hope please!

DIY Si - 5/8/06 at 03:02 PM

Does i happen at all speeds? Have you checked the engine/gearbox mounts yet?

graememk - 5/8/06 at 03:04 PM

have you ran someone over ? have a check to see if there still under the car ?

john_p_b - 5/8/06 at 03:07 PM

pretty much all speeds yeah. can be doing 80 turn into a left hand hard and it'll do it and i've just pulled into my mates road which is a left turn on a slight hill at the same time at about 5mph and it did it then.

just seems to be at the point everything twists so it's got to be something catching i guess. engine mounts are all intact and the gearbox isn't flapping around but i just dunno if that could be the cause under load.

DIY Si - 5/8/06 at 03:11 PM

It might be worth trying an uprated 'box mount if they're available. Also, what type of engine mounts do you have? You could uprate these for some harder rubber/polybush types?

tks - 5/8/06 at 03:11 PM

could it be a wheel arch??

problem is that in the chasis you notive everything..and mainly with your ass sow maybe thats whats creates the sentence thats from the back but maybe it isn't....

dunno the miles you have done but i think its something small because else it would already have failed???


john_p_b - 5/8/06 at 04:00 PM

ok not that any of you where but....

found the problem and i'm blaming me dad. the bolt that goes through the centre of the gearbox mount was missing, gone, not even in site!

fitted new bolt threw it into a few bends and woohoo the only noise to be heard is the tyres smoking away

i'll start the inquest in to why it was lose enough to fall out in a few days when i get bored.

thanks for the replies though folks

DIY Si - 5/8/06 at 04:25 PM

May I suggest thread lock next time?

john_p_b - 5/8/06 at 04:36 PM

you may

i've already suggested to me dad tightening the damn thing up properly! might check it after every drive from here on in

stevec - 6/8/06 at 11:27 AM

If two people are working on a car, I reckon two people are responsible for getting it right.

Piledhigher - 6/8/06 at 03:51 PM

Take a look at the fan rubbing on the radiator or shroud.


john_p_b - 6/8/06 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by stevec
If two people are working on a car, I reckon two people are responsible for getting it right.

it definately fell in to his designated working area on the vehicle

DIY Si - 6/8/06 at 04:07 PM

Might it be worth making him check all his other "designated areas"?! Could also get him to change the oil while he's there.

john_p_b - 6/8/06 at 04:12 PM

well seeing as i've striped and rebuilt the back end twice now in search of said noise i don't think theres a lot else that can fall off! well i hope not anyway!

DIY Si - 6/8/06 at 04:17 PM


i don't think theres a lot else that can fall off!

Rubbish! There's the front end to fall apart yet!