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Sealing Off Type 9 Speedo Connection
pajsh - 28/8/06 at 03:26 PM

I'm using an electronic speedo rather than the mechanical one on the type 9 box but is seems to be leaking gearbox oil.

Should it and should I find a way of sealing it and if so what?

An old cable might be the answer but just cut off so it does nothing. Anyone else had a similar problem

minto4 - 28/8/06 at 04:14 PM

On the first type 9 in my pinto the speedo connection had been removed and filled over with some kind of metal filler.

When i swapped the engine and box the new one still had the connection and leaked slightly. we have tried a couple of things including cutting a new cable end off and fitting it, and bunging up the cut end. But it still drips every now and then.

givemethebighammer - 28/8/06 at 10:00 PM

I asked same question a few weeks back

I now have an old cable end sealed with epoxy putty, sealed the whole thing to the gearbox with a little gasket silicone (oil resistant) and the original circlip.