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Another 2.0 pinto question - normal opperating temp?
se7ensport - 29/8/06 at 03:57 PM

It has been suggested that mine is a little on the low side, shows approx 75 degrees on gauge.

I don't think this is quite right either and now wondering if either guage is inaccurate or therostate is wrong or not functioning properly.

As a second question does anyone have a good tip for cleaning the mank out of the cooling system (products or washing up liquid..)? my header tank is orange on the inside and i've flushed the system till it runs clear but the rusty coloured stains remain.



02GF74 - 29/8/06 at 04:12 PM

^^^^ all the above.

you need to measure the temp and see if that is what the guage shows, if not you need to investigate:

- if gauge is electrical, is sender correct for the gauge?
- is sender /guage faulty?

- is thermostat correct?
- is thermostat working properly - test in saucepan of hot water

you don't mention the conditions - is the fan (assume it's electric) on all the time?

- what control the fan to turn on and atwhat temp?

you need to get a thermometer and start measuring.

re: mank; I used halfords 2 part radiator cleaner; don;t have any bad to say about it but locost is to put a couple of teaspoons of caustic soda, run till hot, then drain and flush.

UncleFista - 29/8/06 at 05:07 PM

I've heard of people using bio soap powder (Persil etc) to clear out the waterways, just run up to temp, wait to cool then replace with your normal water/antifreeze mix.

se7ensport - 29/8/06 at 06:02 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
^^^^ all the above.

you need to measure the temp and see if that is what the guage shows, if not you need to investigate:

- if gauge is electrical, is sender correct for the gauge?
- is sender /guage faulty?

- is thermostat correct?
- is thermostat working properly - test in saucepan of hot water

you don't mention the conditions - is the fan (assume it's electric) on all the time?

- what control the fan to turn on and atwhat temp?

you need to get a thermometer and start measuring.

fan is electric and goes on and off keeping it at 75ish, correct sender, I think it could be the connection. I'll get hold of a thermometer and check- what temp should it be???

ps I'll try some persil, works on my jeans

DarrenW - 30/8/06 at 01:08 PM

Firstly flushing. I disconnected the pipes off my Pinto after the water was well brown and muddy. i flushed from several direction with plain water and hose pipe for approx 1.5 hours till it ran clean. Since then it has been fine so you may not need flush agent. There was a blanking plug in the block for the water jacket, i removed it and no water came out! i had a probe about with small scredrive and wire and eventually it ran through. Apparently this can happen if years ago a past owners didnt use correct antifreeze.
If you do need some flush agent id go for proporietery product rather than soap powder (only as ive never heard of that being used before). Forte do one which is apparently v.good. TBH i dont see why saop powder wont work as long as its flushed out well. I do wonder though if it can have an adverse affect on the antifreeze if its not removed. I dont think its easy to remove fully with cold water.

Ref temp, it does sound low. Firstly check the sender and gauge are matched and working well. If it is then i suspect it is running well cool. Do you have thermostat? Is fan switch in rad correct? My Pinto runs at around 94, fan switches in at 97. On the track it gets above 100 and still runs fine.

Dont forget when comparing your temps to others that different gauges and sender locations will give different results. Im using DD2 with matched ETB sender in the std Pinto location (above dizzy).

There is a train of thought that if an engine runs too cool the condensation in the oil wont be boiled off and could affect engine wear etc so its worth getting it right.

Oh - just thought, i did read somewhere that dishwashers are good at cleaning out header tanks. Probs best to do it without the dishes in!!

ady8077 - 30/8/06 at 07:17 PM


I've been having probs with my pinto running a bit hot, gave the cooling system a good flushing and put new antifreeze in and now runs about 95 deg C
75 must be a faulty guage/sender, what thermostat have you got? mines 88. Does your top hose get hot?


Toady1 - 31/8/06 at 06:55 PM

on route to sva mine was between 95 and 105! im going to check my stat is opening fully!