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Hello all, i'm new...
owbow - 17/7/03 at 10:58 AM

right, dunno if you chaps have a 'general chat' forum so i came in here because there's the newest posts in here.. my boss has just bought a locost (i think that's what it is anyway...) the geezer who was building it was going to put a 3 litre v6 in it but is going to throw in a pinto instead now... my only concern is that being as my boss hasn't a clue, i'm going to be the one building it up from here on in...

the chap who's built it as far as here has used 2mm thick tubing... will this be a significant disadvantage weight wise or is it a popular thing to do?

personally i'm a x-flow man, but i guess the pinto will do...

we're getting it towed home next few days, when i get into it i will be posting a long list of questions i guess........


[Edited on 17/7/03 by owbow]

Gizmo - 17/7/03 at 05:22 PM

Want a set of Fiesta GRPII arches for it ?

he he

Peteff - 17/7/03 at 07:25 PM

If it's already a rolling chassis it should be up and running in a fortnight. Lots of pinto engined locosts about, mines one. 2mm tubing shouldn't make much difference to the weight. The chassis part is only a small percentage of the total weight, you may be able to claw some of it back on panels, seats or wheels and tyres if you are desperate.

yours, Pete. Rescued attachment lindabycar.jpg
Rescued attachment lindabycar.jpg

theconrodkid - 17/7/03 at 07:34 PM

nice gnome

robinbastd - 17/7/03 at 09:35 PM

Agree with conrod,but please dont bring that mobile gnome down to Cornwall.
Is that Linda Lusardi????????? Always wondered what she did after page 3,and now I know......rentagnome