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David Jenkins - 2/8/03 at 09:29 PM

I tried to start my crossflow today, and didn't get a spark. After fishing around for a while I suspect that my Fiesta distributor ain't working as it should.

To prove it either way I want to fit the original contact-breaker distributor back on the engine. However, I've now got a 12v coil, no ballast resistor, and my starter button doesn't short out the resistor to start.

The question is - I don't see why I can't use the 12v coil without the resistor, straight off the distributor. Anyone know a reason why I shouldn't?



paulf - 2/8/03 at 09:36 PM

It should work fine, many cars didnt have a ballast resistor and as far as i am aware it seems to have been a ford speciallity.The main idea was to give a good spark in the winter when the battery charge is low.
i had a problem with my fiesta electonic unit caused by spinning the dizy by hand without earthing it to the block, the spark earthed through me and the car and the electronic part gave up. I got a new distributor after a little searching at the scrappy and fitted that to the engine before i tried it again.

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I tried to start my crossflow today, and didn't get a spark. After fishing around for a while I suspect that my Fiesta distributor ain't working as it should.

To prove it either way I want to fit the original contact-breaker distributor back on the engine. However, I've now got a 12v coil, no ballast resistor, and my starter button doesn't short out the resistor to start.

The question is - I don't see why I can't use the 12v coil without the resistor, straight off the distributor. Anyone know a reason why I shouldn't?



theconrodkid - 3/8/03 at 06:17 AM

an electronic coil and points dizzy wont work,maybee for a few mins of missfiring,the pair are matched,nowt wrong with points

David Jenkins - 3/8/03 at 06:21 PM

The trouble with points is that they wear over time - but as I won't be doing more than 3k per year then setting the points can be a winter job.



Sideways 2 Victory - 5/8/03 at 05:54 PM

Will an electronic coil and a pointless Dizzy (Ignitor pack) from two different companies work together, if they are both meant for the same engine (x/f 1600)

Reason I ask is, I've got an Aldon Dizzy and a Lumenition Coil both electronic both for X/F -

Will it work? ( engine runs with Lumenition coil and old Ford Points dizzy.)



theconrodkid - 5/8/03 at 07:02 PM

should do but check with aldon on coil resistance,they should know