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Smoky Pinto 2.0
talltony - 23/5/07 at 04:46 PM

Hi everyone,

After not using my car for 3 weeks, I started it and the engine belched out a huge amount of dark smoke. This continued for about 5 minutes or so before stopping (possibly when fully warmed up?). I even got a white-van man asking if it was a diesel, cheeky sod.

Later on that day it started fine with no smoke, presumably because the engine was still warm.

The engine is a 2.0 litre pinto with twin 40s and no other mods.

Is it knackered?

Peteff - 23/5/07 at 04:49 PM

Oil getting down the valve stems, once it's burnt off you won't get it till it's ben stood again. Don't worry about it

flak monkey - 23/5/07 at 04:49 PM

Leaky stem seals on the valves probably. Over the time its been standing the oils run down the valve stems and when you start it up its burnt it off.

Well thats one idea anyway.

talltony - 23/5/07 at 05:04 PM

Marvellous :-) thanks for the reassurances!

Mike McKinstry - 27/5/07 at 08:30 PM


My 1.8 pinto is chucking loads of smoke out when warm and accelerated hard.Smoke appears on the upshift and can come at 2nd and 3rd and sometimes 4th but ease off and no sign-rebuild time?

Any votes on main cause.

Engine is from E reg sierra with 80K on clock.

Best Regards,

flak monkey - 27/5/07 at 08:33 PM

Is it burning a lot of oil. Sounds like it should be.

Oil control rings may just be clogged up with crap, but if its had a hard life and been thrashed then its probably rebuild time. Stick a 2.0 in instead.