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pinto overheating suddenly!!
gregf27 - 11/6/07 at 08:26 AM

Just dropped my lad off at school this morning , only a 4 mile trip one way,
The water temp gauge rose very quickly to 110 deg when under acceleration, the oil pressure gauge was showing a drop too ( high pressure oil pump fitted )
when I got back home I let it idle for a short while and the temp came down to just over 90 deg , and oil pressure rose slightly - the temp sender seems ok, and the engine feels a lot hotter , no coolant loss, - got the day off work today
so I want to try and sort it out , can anyone offer any suggestions?? - air lock ??
and yes I did a search!!

omega0684 - 11/6/07 at 08:52 AM

i had a similar problem of my pinto over heating and i simply didn't have enough coolant in the system! have you checked the coolant level, check piping for any air locks but if you piping is good then you shouldn't have that problem? r u sure your water pump isn't knackered?

did you have the fan on?

[Edited on 11/6/07 by omega0684]

Howlor - 11/6/07 at 09:30 AM

I would assume oil pressure would drop a bit with a hotter engine so don't think that is too much to worry about. How have you got it plumbed?

Also as above check for airlocks and pump effectiveness.


DarrenW - 11/6/07 at 09:35 AM

Ive experienced a rise in temp after some coolant loss and also before removing air lock.

I dont have header tank so found i lost some water after a run. Ive now plumbed overflow from rad cap into a bottle and this has helped a lot. ( i used a 2litre pop bottle cable tied to chassis as a temp trial - its been on for a year now and works well / cost nowt)

If its previously been Ok and just started to rise then i wouldnt suspect it was anything serious. i dio find mine runs a tad hotter this time of year which is to be expected but the fan still manages to control it.

gregf27 - 11/6/07 at 09:51 AM

cheers for the replies so far,
I have a header tank, and it use to have the bottom hose of the expansion tank plumbed into a "T" piece from the thermostat hose to the rad,
I have since re-routed the header tank hose to the bottom rad and water pump, as suggested on here

I have just ran it uo to temp, until the rad kicked in at 90 deg, but this was while it was sat on my drive, not under load, oil pressure was back up (phew) I placed a long piece of hose from the thermostat overflow pipe vertically and tie wrapped it in place, -should get rid of any locks?? will let it all cool down and re-do again, then take it for a blat, see what happens!!!

bobster - 11/6/07 at 11:51 AM

pinto se7ens have a habit of running hot. I had similar problems with my dax pinto. It is very very important that all your hose runs are straight. ie NO high spots. These cause air locks and quickly ruin your cooling. 3 main parts to look at.
1) lower hose running from water pump to lower rad fitting. these often have to run over the lower chassis member. This is a perfect place for an air lock. The best remedy i found it to make this the 'T' point for the gravity fed hose from the header tank. Otherwise use a piece of ally tube to ensure no high spots.
2) Upper hose from rad to thermostat housing - I found this hose the most likely to cause an air lock. Either use a straight ally pipe or T out at the top into the breather pipe. I ran a breather pipe from the top of the rad via this outlet to the header tank. As the top hose ran higher than the thermostat housing I replaced the housing with one that didn't have a takeoff (I have sealed these with a small bolt before).
hope this helps

gregf27 - 11/6/07 at 02:55 PM

was an airlock, running fine again now, many thanks for the help everyone

DarrenW - 11/6/07 at 03:16 PM

Great stuff. Well done. I love it when its something simple.