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Spigot Bearing Location
Sporty - 13/11/07 at 10:08 AM

Got all my parts sorted for mating the type 9 to the zetec. Quick question before I do something I'm not going to be able to reverse.

I assume that the spiggot bearing goes in the centre of the Flywheel, its a tight fit obviously but just want to check before I start hitting it with a big hammer.



whitestu - 13/11/07 at 10:13 AM

It goes into a recess in the end of the crank, accessed through the hole in the flywheel.

It is fairly tight.

Mine needed a gentle ish tap to go in.


Sporty - 13/11/07 at 10:56 AM

Thanks, I take it the flywheel needs to come off as the hole in it is too small to get the bearing through comfortably, or am I missing something.


Werner Van Loock - 13/11/07 at 11:13 AM

The bearing goes in the middle hole. with or without flywheel, doesn't matter, what does matter is without clutch. Maybe that's what you meant?

westcost1 - 13/11/07 at 12:34 PM

yes just bang it in

Paul (Notts) - 13/11/07 at 06:19 PM

to fit the spiggot bearing on my rover v8 crank I left it in a plastic food bag in the frezzer for 4 days so that It cooled down and contracted - It then was a simple tap in and as it warmed up a very tight fit.


NS Dev - 16/11/07 at 02:30 PM

Tap it in, goes in no bother, but make sure its the right way round, most have a seal lip on the clutch side