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Which Facet fuel pump ?
givemethebighammer - 4/10/03 at 08:06 PM

Think I want a Facet Redtop fuel pump for my zetec on carbs but which one solid state or interupter ?

Do I need the filter / regulator thing ?

Is it also worth rubber mounting these things ?


Northy - 4/10/03 at 09:20 PM

I've got an Interupter jobbie. But it depends on the power output of your engine.

You will need a regulator, I've got one of the Filteeer king jobbies, because its wise to have a filter before the carbs, so why not do it in one unit?

YES, rubber mount it. Just had my engine running today, and its still noisey when rubber mounted!

Ben_Copeland - 4/10/03 at 09:32 PM

Hmmm sod buying a new pump... they look expensive.

I'm sure i'll find a fuel pump on the back of a cav gsi somewhere , with fitter and reg

[Edited on 4/10/03 by Ben_Copeland]

dblissett - 4/10/03 at 10:19 PM

i have just got a facet off a range rover
its the same spec as the 150 bhp one in europa spares
good luck

Northy - 4/10/03 at 10:25 PM

Yeah, I heard they were fitted to Range Rovers. I got mine thrown in with my the Webers I bought second hand, even cheaper

givemethebighammer - 5/10/03 at 10:40 AM

I'll check scrappies first for range rover, however I am planning 170+ bhp so this may not be up to the job

Big Stu - 5/10/03 at 01:22 PM

Could you not fit two of them then? Seen it done before on a racing Land Rover.

givemethebighammer - 5/10/03 at 07:24 PM

Maybe you could fit two but I'd like to keep things simple if possible


Ben_Copeland - 5/10/03 at 07:32 PM

ok... so whats the difference between all these different pumps then ???

Thought a pump was a pump lol

Stu16v - 5/10/03 at 09:42 PM

If only.....

To begin with, there are two types of fuel pump, injection and carb. A pump for an injection system CANNOT be used with carbs, and visa-versa, due to the massive differences in pressure that these pumps deliver. As a rough guide, an injection pump delivers 50 psi+, whereas a carb pump will be around 5 psi.
I honestly dont know whether an injection pump can be utilised with a "Filter-King" pressure regulator, it may be too much pressure for the regulator to handle. Bets to think carefully about the Cav GSi pump, and find out whether a reg would cope......

The choices of Facet pump is a little intimidating too. But as long as it is a pump designated for use with carbs, my advise is to get the highest capacity one, and run it with the aformentioned regulator with the pump as near to the tank as possible, and the regulator near the carbs.
Even if the pump is capable of delivering far more fuel than can be utilised by your engines present state of tune, you now have the extra capacity for upgrades at a later date if you so desire-without starving the engine of fuel, or having to buy yet another pump.

HTH Stu.

[Edited on 5/10/03 by Stu16v]

Ben_Copeland - 5/10/03 at 09:48 PM

Cheers Stu, I've seen an Astra GSI (same engine as cav GSi) on the injection pump, but running carbs..... so think it's possible. Though they did use a rather large amount of fuel, but were Weber 48's !!!!!

But think i'll stick with Facet Pump in that case! Which ones are capable of supplying enough fuel for 200bhp ?

Stu16v - 5/10/03 at 11:04 PM

Good question, and I dont know offhand, but IIRC the Demon Thieves catalogue gives the pump fuel delivery and an approximate BHP rating.

Cheers, Stu.

Ben_Copeland - 6/10/03 at 06:25 AM

ok Stu, thanks 'll have a look

Ben_Copeland - 6/10/03 at 09:41 AM

Slightly off topic... but still fuel related!

I've got some braided hose, which has got a I/D of just over 7mm... what do people recon on using this ? If i can get away with using it.. it'll save my some money

dblissett - 6/10/03 at 08:55 PM

if you get a copy of europa's catalouge
it has the facet pumps rated by horsepower for webers you need a high volume of fuel at a low preasure this is the oposite of a fuel injection system
good luck dave blissett

Fast Westie - 17/10/03 at 09:49 AM

I have been through 4 Facet silver top pumps on my Westfield, they are not reliable although they do flow enough fuel for 200bhp.

The problem is that if there is any fuel starvation, or vaporisation the contacts arc and then they stick, normally in the middle of nowhere!

I would recomend a Holley or Weber pump, or at worse case a Facet solid state.