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Griffin Power System installed, with pics
mongrelwestie - 26/1/08 at 08:54 PM

thought id share some pics of my new setup, its getting there just need to get an alternator and mount it on the water rail side, getting there!! what do you think?

BenB - 26/1/08 at 08:57 PM

Much too tidy

Looking good!!!

roadrunner - 26/1/08 at 09:33 PM

Looks very nice and tidy

saigonij - 26/1/08 at 09:33 PM

what ecu are you using?

mongrelwestie - 26/1/08 at 09:38 PM

its the omex 600 that comes in the package from griffin

Simon - 26/1/08 at 10:20 PM

You have so much space in your engine compartment

Which is very neat, btw.



mongrelwestie - 26/1/08 at 10:27 PM

i know, the engine is about 9inches further back then most! not sure if its a good or bad thing but its made life easy for room! and i can store stuff there!

jacko - 27/1/08 at 10:21 AM

Hi Tim Windmill on here has the same set up [Griffin ] he goes for his SVA next month
have you past the sva with the griffin fitted ?

mongrelwestie - 27/1/08 at 04:17 PM

not done an sva yet, id be interested in seeing his alternator set up, as thats the next bit!

jacko - 27/1/08 at 05:38 PM

Send him a u2u he is a nice chap and will not bite his engine is all finished and ready for the test

2b_pablo - 29/1/08 at 10:35 AM

out of interest what kind of power are you looking at with this kit?

mongrelwestie - 29/1/08 at 03:04 PM

not really sure they say about 160-165, but im not looking for massive power just reliability and a simple set up