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Is my fuelpump working correctly ?
marcotuinenburg - 4/2/08 at 10:42 PM


Don't know if this is the right place for this question.
I tested my fuelpump how many cc it could run in 1 minute, it was more than 1 liter.
But when i'm holding the outlet of the fuelline a bit higher the pressure of the fuel coming out of the fuelline is as low as almost nothing.
I'm running the standard fireblade fuelpump for my fireblade engine with carbs.
I'm using a flexible fuelline from the tank to the engine.
Any tips or advice please

Is it correct or do i need a heavier pump ?

Thanks, Marco

welderman - 4/2/08 at 10:46 PM

your pump should stop as they only pump fuel into your carbs when its needed.

So sounds ok to me

[Edited on 4/2/08 by welderman]

blakep82 - 4/2/08 at 10:57 PM

you're engine shouldn't use as much as 1 litre of fuel in a minute. imagine if it did :O

Guinness - 5/2/08 at 07:57 AM

Sounds OK to me too!

When I first turn the ignition on in my car the fuel pump runs for about 30 seconds, brrrrrrrrrrrr, then slows down to a tick, tick, tick, then stops. When I start the engine it's back to tick, tick, tick. Don't ask me what happens at full revs, cause I certainly can't here the pump anymore.

The bike fuel pumps automatically cut off when the pressure in the bowls in the carbs is right.

Another thing that is widely accepted is that bike pumps prefer pushing fuel than sucking it. So locate the pump in the boot next to the tank, rather than close to the carbs.



marcotuinenburg - 6/2/08 at 08:58 AM


Thank you for the reply.
I had some problems with it, this must be the vacuum i had in the tank.
Thanks for the tips.
