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Engine weights
macspeedy - 27/6/02 at 08:31 PM

Does anybody know how much the pinto and the cvh and the x-flow weigh, not all together for those comedians out there??

stephen_gusterson - 27/6/02 at 09:40 PM

im sure we already had a thread on this a few months back......take a look further down this category...



Fatboy Dave - 28/6/02 at 10:11 AM


All vague recollections from a bear soaked brain I'm affraid

bob - 28/6/02 at 12:54 PM

You really must stop drinking bears!!

Colin AH - 28/6/02 at 02:32 PM

Or you'll wake up with a head like a Grizzly and a furry mouth.

Fatboy Dave - 28/6/02 at 04:09 PM

You really must stop drinking bears!!

Damn my inebriated typingningning.

Just because I is a proper hard Geordie who isn't a shandy drinker

Or you'll wake up with a head like a Grizzly and a furry mouth.

I do anyway

Anyway, this headache just feels like there is a grizzly urinating inside my head...

Metal Hippy™ - 28/6/02 at 05:31 PM

You causing trouble again Dave?

Anyway, after doing research the 3.5 BMW I've got lined up weighs around the same as a Pinto according to your value...

Gonna find another site to check my value...



Fatboy Dave - 28/6/02 at 06:14 PM

'fraid so Rich

The pinto weight is accurate, as we hauled one out of a Fraud Corblimey and dropped it some scales.

I'll have a look around to if you like, for a bit of independant adjudication

Fatboy Dave - 28/6/02 at 06:35 PM


I take it you found this?

I assume you're also using the M30 M535i 12v engine?

_DAMN_that is a big motor........

Metal Hippy™ - 28/6/02 at 08:36 PM

Yep, rough measurement front to back while still in situe... 30"

Long I'm sure you'll all agree.

Good job we're daft enough to attempt a chassis redesign....

stephen_gusterson - 28/6/02 at 09:06 PM

its all the crap at the front that looks scary.....what an induction system!!!



Metal Hippy™ - 28/6/02 at 10:29 PM

That's on the right as you look from the front into the engine bay.

That adds to the width a fair bit....

Also the height with the bit labelled as 2.

Fatboy Dave - 29/6/02 at 12:16 PM

How about binning the injection and fitting throttle bodies? Or even crabs?

jcduroc - 29/6/02 at 09:09 PM

Hi Dave
"Crabs" are eat.


Fatboy Dave - 30/6/02 at 12:43 PM

I blame fat fingers, and a combination of giving my keyboard a good thumping, and never checking my spelling......

Metal Hippy™ - 30/6/02 at 06:43 PM

In a word, no.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Besides, I like injection.

theconrodkid - 30/6/02 at 06:57 PM

Thought you were off to malta? did they deport you?