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Motorbike carbs for a 2.0l pinto
Capri18 - 8/5/08 at 08:15 PM

Hi everyone, i am a new member ive been oltd this site has lots of helpful people when it comes to running a pinto on bike carbs.

I am wondering what carbs will be best to run on my engine? I would like ones with 40mm choke but i no nothing about bikes so what bikes run 400 carbs? Il need some help on deciding what jets to run to get the car running too. I am going to be running megajolt and EDIS 4 for the ignition and the engine has a piper high torque cam and a skimmped head so far

If anyone has any advice or tips i be very thankful for there input thanks

Paul TigerB6 - 8/5/08 at 08:19 PM

Edit - After reading again i can see what state of tuning your Pinto is in!! Whats your reasoning behind wanting the 40mm chokes??

Smaller chokes will give better driveability generally - so long as they dont restrict the power at the top end. I've seen a rolling road printout of a Zetec on ZX6R carbs (37mm chokes) giving 185bhp within the last week. These are pretty cheap too - cheaper than the R1 ones

Have you decided what to do about your inlet manifold yet?? You could go to Bogg Bros and send them your carbs for them to rejet as appropriate - they are well worth a call to discuss and am sure can also offer advice on the most suitable carbs to go for.

[Edited on 8/5/08 by Paul TigerB6]

omega0684 - 8/5/08 at 08:26 PM

hi there mate and welcome.

i sure that most people would agree that the main carb/throttle bodies used are from the suzuki GSX or the yamaha r1 carbs.

im running r1 throttle bodies on a 2.1 pinto and i just usd a standard set of throttle bodies, using megasquirt to run it all.

coozer - 8/5/08 at 08:33 PM

Welcome, right place to be asking....

ZZR1100, ZX9R or ZX7R carbs have 40mm chokes being very similar. My car started and idled nice straight off the bike. There's not much to set up but obviously a rolling road session is the way to go.

I have ZX9R carbs on my zetec and DarrenW has ZZR1100 on his Pinto.

Use which ever you can get the cheapest on the bay. If you need TPS for Megajolt if your going that route then later ZX9R carbs are the ones to go for.

Check my blog for my first run out. The carbs had 160 mains in them which weren't big enough for the top end and I've just drilled them out to 170 so should see a better revving top end.


[Edited on 8/5/08 by coozer]

jacko - 8/5/08 at 08:54 PM

Hi I have zx9r/e carbs on a 2.1 pinto if you do a search under my name + look in my photos [ jacko ] it will help you a lot + give you lots of info
Ps welcome to the mad house

Capri18 - 8/5/08 at 09:22 PM

First off, that was amzing how many people replied so quickly! Thanks for that.

I was thinking 40mm because i was baising the motorbike carbs beng similar to something like weber 40's.

So ZX9R carbs are the ones i need because i was going to be using TPS with the megajolt system.

As for the inlet manifold i was thinking about making my own one up, i need to get the carbs first so i can decide if i should split the carbs or build the manifold to fit the carbs as they came of the bike. i am guessing it will be a fiddly job to split the carbs and make up linkages for everything?

I was thinking about giving bogg bro's a call as i have heard lots of good things about them, plus there not too far from my dads house, where i will be dong the work


jacko - 8/5/08 at 09:27 PM

I made my manifold look in my photos under zx9r carbs / manifold
Bogg Brothers set my car up and got 140bhp at the rear wheels

Dingz - 8/5/08 at 10:37 PM


I was thinking 40mm because i was baising the motorbike carbs beng similar to something like weber 40's.

The max size chokes normally fitted in 40s are 38s lots of pintos use 36 so don't get hung up on using 40mm bike carbs.

clairetoo - 8/5/08 at 11:26 PM

Allso a 40mm bike carb will allmost certainly flow a lot more air than a webber -with a simolar choke size . They are a lot `cleaner` inside , and shorter .

Originally posted by Dingz

I was thinking 40mm because i was baising the motorbike carbs beng similar to something like weber 40's.

The max size chokes normally fitted in 40s are 38s lots of pintos use 36 so don't get hung up on using 40mm bike carbs.

DarrenW - 9/5/08 at 10:26 AM

Where is your Dads house? Im in Bishop Auckland which is roughly half way between Edinburgh and Boggs so you are welcome to have a look at my set up.

My engine spec is close to yours. Im running ZZR1100 carbs on a Boggs manifold and using megajolt.

Its a good idea to get carbs with TPS built in. I think later version of ZZR's also have this. Mine dont, ive experimented with brackets but not happy with my method to mount TPS so currently running 2D mode, which is still an improvement.

I took car back to Boggs for rolling road tune and found 120bhp at back wheels. The car felt transformed, i guess i had less than 100 before the conversion.

Although i have no evidence to back this up, i think 40mm is on the large side. Bike carbs seem to flow a lot easier than webers and are straight through. Using 40mm will allow some tunability in the future but many people get good power from smaller choked carbs and better engine mods. I used ZZR1100 carbs because Guiness kindly donated his spare set.

Edit to add - when i started i knew nowt about bikes let alone their carbs. Still dont know that much about them but the conversion worked and wasnt too difficult.

[Edited on 9/5/08 by DarrenW]

mad4x4 - 9/5/08 at 11:17 AM

I have SUZUKI GSXr750 Carbs - on a 1.8 Zetec - What a difference _ I used to have 38' Dellrotos and couldn;t get it to run with low emmission.

COst about 75 quid from ebay. Had to build a inlet manifold. which was hardish.

Capri18 - 9/5/08 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Where is your Dads house? Im in Bishop Auckland which is roughly half way between Edinburgh and Boggs so you are welcome to have a look at my set up.

My Dads house is at Gretna so it a lot closer to boggs than edinburgh, still kinda far loking on a map, but am guessing it will be worth it yeah?

I had a ook at your pictures Jacko and they helped a lot, does anyone else have any pictures that i could have a gander at?

I think as lng as i get the right carbs with a TPS then i should manage with the rest, am i right in thiking that the car will run on the standard jets in the carb?

ive been told drilling the jets out to about 160 will be okay?

jacko - 9/5/08 at 02:44 PM

The original jets are ok to use get in touch with Boggs to recommend the jet size to suit your engine i had to drill my jets to 1.7mm + block holes to stop it running week at high revs
I must recommend you get it on a rolling road as soon as possible after fitting the carbs