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Peugeot 1.5 Diesel Running Badly
stevetzoid - 30/6/08 at 01:44 PM

Hi All,

My partners car is running badly, the symptons are. takes a long time to start, but runs very badly and unevenly and smokes badly and has no power. The valves have been checked and the compression has been checked and is ok. not sure about the cam belt slipping?, the engine was changed down from 3rd to second and just lost power and cut out a sudden occurance realy. anyone with any Ideas please, the garage have quoted 660 quid I think there taking the p*ss Cheers everone.

phoenix70 - 30/6/08 at 02:07 PM

Some hasn't accidentally put petrol in it have they?

stevetzoid - 30/6/08 at 03:10 PM

No Petrol it has been tested on clean diesel. Thanks

omega 24 v6 - 30/6/08 at 04:02 PM

bad connection (loose/coroded ) on the fuel pump cut off solenoid??

bigrich - 30/6/08 at 04:17 PM

Does it sound harsh/knocking. if so sounds like the pump timing is out probably due to timing belt jumping a tooth,or two

focijohn - 30/6/08 at 05:42 PM

We had a customers car come in (AX Diesel 1.5) and took a long time to start hot and cold and smoked like a WW2 vet! Turned out to be 2 leaking/dodgey injectors if i remember!
Cant imagine that the engines are different!
Hope this helps?!


MikeRJ - 30/6/08 at 06:24 PM

Sounds very much like the symptoms of incorrect pump timing!

rusty nuts - 30/6/08 at 06:39 PM

Check the pump and valve timing first . Have had similar problems with tight valve clearances on that engine as well

nick205 - 30/6/08 at 07:10 PM

The 106 1.5D I had suffered the same problem and got progressively worse until the camshaft/wheel key sheered, dropped the belt, bent 3 valves and cracked the centre cam bearing cap. I ended up fitting a 2nd hand engine. Turned out to be a duff injector.

TBH the cast/forged in camshaft key was IMHO nowhere near upto the job - about the same size/strength as a Rice Krispy. Also, because the cam runs directly in the ally head and damage renders it useless.