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Engine Mounts, Which Side?
Nosey - 2/11/08 at 03:44 PM

Hi all, just getting around to fitting my engine and I found two spare engine mounts on a shelf. They look like the Westfield type ones, about 3 1/2 inch diameter with two studs each side. Thing is, one is approx 1 1/2 inches thick, the other about 2 1/2 inches thick. Any suggestions as to which side of the engine they should go (it's a C20xe)?

Shamrock GS - 2/11/08 at 05:32 PM

50/50 chance. Try them one way, if the engine is upright, so are you, if it leans swap them!


blakep82 - 2/11/08 at 06:00 PM

the triangular plate should go on the intake saide

blakep82 - 2/11/08 at 06:01 PM

actually, reading that again, have you got any photos?

Nosey - 3/11/08 at 07:06 AM

Sorry, badly explained. What I meant was, if you had two engine mounts like these (link) Westfiled Mounts but one was thicker between the mounting faces than the other, which side of the engine would you mount, say, the thicker one? The engine pulls up on the PS mount and down on the DS mount if I remember right, so would there be a "best" side for the mounts? I am building the rest of the mounting brackets from scratch, so it's just a matter of picking a side really.

There, clear as mud. I'll try and get some photos tonight.