GRP info & supplies
The best book for grp car repairs was by Miles Wilkins, 'How to Restore Fibreglass Bodywork' - unfortunately long out of print. But you
can now buy a reprint from a Lotus Books in Germany. It comes combined with Wilkins' book on car painting. See: You can pay in £. Order form: I have no connection with Lotus
Recent articles in Practical Classics have been wrong, it won't work long-term to just do a narrow grind out of a gel crack and put
resin/'gelcoat' and/or filler and then paint. This contradicts info they published years ago from Miles! Got to do wider grinded area and
then mat/tissue and resin, fill and paint.
Simon McBeath's 'Composition Car Composites', Haynes is useful for making moulds and new pieces. Still available.
If anyone needs to buy fibreglass supplies in Scotland, I've found Allscot very helpful. Trade prices, DIY quantities, and open late some
evenings as well as Sat morning. And no, I don't work for them, or get a discount!
Mike Wood